Show avater conservator ON BIG DROUTH F A survey of the drouth situation in utah which was vats recently completed shows thiu that there exists a water vater short age for culinary trig atlon nud and stock watering water ln purposes the like of ibach has never before lievore lieen experienced in this state reports professor george gcorge D clyde state water conservator conser valtor instead of there being 25 percent normal water ater supply as was indicated on april 1 the prospects of water sup ply is from 15 to 25 lt of normal f ind in mot inot cases the water supply tor or irrigation and also for or livestock preservations is now exa es austed listed professor clyde points out the prin opal cipal streams ot of the abato with tile exception ot of tile the losan lognin river are now dishar ing a normal late august flow 25 NORMAL CROP production the extreme shor tase of water to gether with the iong ion growing season id ith bag about ly by the high temperature makes it impossible to produce more t than 11 an 2 25 5 pe percent r C e n t of the normal crop production to cum corn hat flat this with which the state no now races faces itself a proa ram of water co conservation li development ling his licen 1011 and Is being rapidly put into effect PRACTICE conservation there aro are many ways liy by which ir fr risa tion atter may tie be says professor clyde tremendous wastes have lieen been iier mittel by trying to irrigate irrigate with small streams and running the water over iong ion distance Il stance when applied to the fields nuch wa ter Is now dicing davez by repairing stream con construction dit clies hea dates shortening the ot of runs pro venting surface runoff large st streams reanis and snout short runs minimize the loss ims from percolation and evaporation short runs and large larce streams are advis advised eci to tor sandy or gravelly sra velly soil bail lonser longer runs and small streams for tile heava lie avier er soils considerable water may lie saved hy repairing leaky lanky head gates ami ditch ban banks ks water avater cress grass and moss waste much N water ater willows and other vegetation veye tation along ditches dit clies and canals consume con considerable consId erble amount at water clean ditches canals to conserve wa W 1 ter avoid spreading the watoru er marshy arons areas because lie cause maz maralia iby legeta tion la alsa a beavy consi con arner ot of water probably one ot of tho the largest sources ot of loss ot of irrigation irris atlon water la is due to lack of attendance On instant stant atten dative dance is necessary to prevent wiste waste toile streams should be maintained suf alit large isu se t to malse it necessary for the irrigator irrl to stay wh walli the water ra not your turn at night then go eo to lied bed li ecaire tills this results in cor act on pase page 4 I 1 ADVICE ON DROUTH FIGHT continued from page 1 able waste all surface runs cant lie entel entell therefore neighbors should cooperate in utilizing each others run nin off transfer of water from arms areas of low productive value to areas of high pro iro value Is urged wherever we jle lands on which the alic possibilities of producing a crohare crop are remote should lie be abandoned tor for ails season and tile available a water applied on lands which all produce RANGE CONDITION CRITICAL the situation with respect to ranges Is critical professor clyde reports water holes and springs have dried and altho in mo most s cases where teed feed is sence available the at al absence sence og 0 water makosij i impossible to utilize such feeds stock men are urged to examine their ranges with the view of developing water sup I 1 plies for stock purposes in corded that the stock may utilize thelded the leed in many man Y cases today water waiter is beina hauled on the ranges to provide for alip tit stock if K wit erIng holes are not provided and the weather conditions continue cattle and sheep will probably have to lie be driven off the ahe ranges by july 1 3 in many litany cases stockmen Stoc kmen are being urged to reduce their herds berds to conform to the pen ilin shortage of feed such stich reduction of herd berd should lie de accomplished in on an orderly manner HARD ON DRY FARMERS the dry farm sections of the state will mature very little grain this year the dry land alfilda alfil fa sections will wil I 1 not t produce a cutting of hay bay this of course means in an acute shortage shor tase ot of feed and livestock in fight hshi of the pend ina in short shortage sli ortise it is suggested that con lip lie given t to the thong ailt the dry and Ini sated farms now planted pl antel ho grain whit 4 will nt not mature ie be P rols aured ox olt for teed feed alfalfa nu the areas where no water avater supply lias has beola lief n will more tv by being liean pastured than ahna liy by attempting to pro duce props crops Cun culinary inary supplies lios should lie be watched very verv in many sections 0 nr tle state culinary supplies are drawn from irrigation canals steps should lie taken in communities thus supplied to watch the possibilities of develop ins ina either cither surface run or springs to t furnish additional culinary water ater supplies cooperation all users of wit serfs essential and necessary if a sufficient amount of crop Is to be pro deuced this year to provide tor for stock and to maintain families in the rural communities |