Show LAST GREAT fa 1101 TIER INVADED BY it Is well ivell to consider the several Isuf sn eying parties now in ill tho field re i id anil and others which will ie he at work by illy 1st ast and for all one final result diat tills this list last Front frontier ler known as the san non juan country because ot of that river well known in two states before it re alices utah and then et ef i facts so much ithe topography in this state for 3 1 50 0 miles shall nt at last lie be actually opened up tip anil and made assess title ible from all cardinal ardinal points listing these parties gives 1 the indian service crew working from tuba city to kayetta kayenta Ka yenta and on to shiprock and with to 1001 over the road to aluff as possible part of ulu fiat road system 2 V sun eains party worldon worl rin west of blanding andins ni under a mr scofield and ebin ayin at last reports a federal road with maximum of 3 rc iki grade ade 3 3 T IV ranta and seven assist ants working for the are establishing definite points of langl lude dude ant and latitude tying in from established dished points and going westerly into the be surveyed nn region by the alk ran ranse e towards the bridges and the colorado 4 11 af 1 shank afif if the forea ser I 1 vice Is a drainage anney ey of ort I 1 the la sal range the work tiding oll di erectly in or 0 robert K palmer Ial roer and dernard nelson now on the joh job 5 vern vcra desplain and nii horace ralph will arrive this week or next t to com mence the ti napping for which the thee ge oloe iral ival survey crew is now inz ins and the field work vill nill the ibe mot ly it in nithe the ell cilc mountain territory A ind d dille Mount ns C 1 or graysha G Gray r a z iha Z S aire G of odthe the antle enels 1 e la 9 sal al forest reset reserve ve SO in tills this vo on is soon sonn to commence comille ned and will wil I 1 employ amplo y five men several mon mord lis next ext the largest assem bly of scientists scientist lind engineers ever gatheral sa ga therel into a porty party for the study or of thelt kirea krown known as monument lonu ment val ley ii nill ill start for their point of assena assem my bly the national men ot of national prominence will be in the party anil and will spend ten weeks in completing comple tinz the ille mapping most of which was done last year nii and d in the major under undertaking that estlle is the study of andare miles for the purpose of deel dins on its value ns a larse large national park S beveral forest road projects one of which Is near completa cwi ins ing a road started last year over the t top 0 p of if the blue mountain range rane and an ather is an important sector or of road on the nil ilic mountain range I 1 here most of the money will lie ise spent on two miles of very hard load work near the summit N i resides these seven parties now nov lit in the field or that will all lie ise at work hy july much rood road work is boint son on oil and transit and le els steam chov els rock bruhin cru hin similar evidence 0 of f operation ire are common lit in this coun ty in colorado and in arizona near bubla year neal shiprock prock they have cele rated the completion of a lon ion tunnel for irrigation and the five million dol lar project is koin on till this sail all juan country directly in three states anil and much effecting effect ins the flie fourth arizona Is comins comin to to the front it looks like real news to in a territory that has lieen been a so long ions whited l this territory Is just too liis 1117 to to 1101 hold d secluded and 1 dis fell from the lie west any longer incomplete as the alove above out outline lille its Is citizens may see that dream are coming combia true |