Show ANNUAL AMI FINANCIAL REPORT OF 01 SAN JUAN COUNTY COUNTI STATE OF UTAH FOR OR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 1931 0 ani a report is made in compliance wah Ch chaftel aptel 63 section of th the 0 cession assion laws of utah 1927 oil and covers s a period of twelve months month a from december ile 31 1910 1930 to december sl 31 1931 1 an itemized statement of all expenditures u iia Is on file in the office of tho the county auditor r S COUNTY GE GENERAL al FUND disbursements officers salaries J 1 I commis alonci s exper expenses se tra v 40 1 kl cheil effs iffs expenses deputies boarding iding prisoners ac 27 assessor As ressor expenses car milage etc t 1 ll 11 expenses sta stamps rips bools i I 1 I 1 71 4 V general office office bit rp iles ook ook s stationery stamps printing flirting financial alst i 2086 cler bleik k and Rec cider service 34 i platting pre s ert ownership blits to bite i viv ti service son ice ac 0 1 i 1 jl 1 I lits bs ia 4 29 9 i i i Veit lier servers monticello pit pud I 1 27 2700 00 jury awl Wit 99 0 county attorney At lorney expenses epen ses car malage etc ga 97 justice court fees and expenses ep ones I 1 60 weed monticello and blinding 13 opts oats for control 1 B freight ri eight to moab garage K juvenile Iu venile jude jile ard and probation Pio officers expenses 0 municipal I 1 Auni cipal aj ai ludaes or of el elect lor election supplies i 6 I 1 also 18 eapen es county ofil cers to conventions contentions hoid dond i i s county officers otti cers I 1 3 oft insurance on court house 2420 01 state stat e 1 insurance fund compensation 3 court on r t ne I 1 i 9 hii public health control 1 23 3 5 oats tor for road load work ork monticello to blanden 84 4 N en nota notary y commissions 25 ay G hopper control 2751 balance ia nce on oil hand de alver 1 31 I t 1931 n 2654 23 TOTAL 12 7 REC RECEIPTS E I 1 balance ou on hand dec 31 11 1930 1137 2 i Taxes 1 axes till doai all 0 I 1 4 osa 10 interest and fees on taxes 91 clerk k and recorder decoi der fees interest on time certificates and daily dill dopes deposits it ts 1 2 h I 2311 2301 11 states state portion of Treasur treasurers ers and assessors Asses sois salaries sal ailes fuel for library I 1 IS oi and Treasur treasurers ers salaries till all funds bunds I 1 ta oate rodent control ag redemption certificates 45 50 money tran S referred from lund state santo portion of 1930 weed control 99 71 bucket pump sold to F N prewar kiev er I 1 oats f tor 0 r road work 86 94 received Kecel from dolores county colo sheriff expense TOTAL p DEPENDENT MOTHERS FUND RECEIPTS balance on hand dec 31 1930 taxes all years TOTAL 57 disbursements I 1 support of dependent mothers 4 81 pio rata rat assessor and treasurer salary 43 64 ref u nd 11 devler vier county transient live stock tax balance on hand dec 31 1 1931 6 29 TOTAL I 1 STATE ROAD FUND RECEIPTS balance on oil hand dec 31 1930 4 6 6 taxes all years TOTAL 1 75 disbursements to cover requisitions by state road commission i refund a 0 sevier county transient live stock tax jj ii balance on hand dec 31 1931 1 I fab TOTAL TO fal 73 COUNTY ROAD FUND RECEIPTS i on ol 01 hand dec 31 1930 1669 baxos all years I 1 i 33 from forest foiest fund j imaney transfers ed from natural bridge rund fund 2671 money aloney transferred from old appropriation front from state Ref for fao bol of bridge work v oric in erst el at canyon t 11 12 1280 80 A 4 TOTAL 62 V i 4 v il y M s 40 1 n V 4 disbursements y T inight ol of vos 1 r A P t j 1 requisitions Requisition i irom state road commission 00 milage 1 i commissioners commissioners expenses to salt halt lake on j koul ko ul j n matters jt rs 1 1 1 1 coition V illon assessor and liea salaries sal ailes R refund to sevier county tr Iron live stock tax n f road ork lockerby Lock eiby I 1 road work v 01 k ucolo bucolo precinct r P A P county road hoad work 1 I llod work v ork boulder precinct 1 1 road material mate ilal and freight tiel glit t i i 48 90 balance on hand dec 31 1 19 1931 1 27 T TOTAL COUNTY BOND INTEREST v RECEIPTS falance on liand liana dec 31 1930 IL t 1606 44 ies jaxes a all 11 adars 1 I TOTAL loral i t disbursements interest on court bouve bonds 6 1365 00 interest on oil loa load d bonds M bank service charge ou bonds I 1 1500 pro rats kata assessor ind and Tipa surer va ary 4 letual to evler Sevier county count transient live stock tax 2 18 balance on hand doe doc wt J ifal I 1 2 TOTAL 6 exhibition FUND RECEIPTS i balance alacce JJ on hand december 31 1930 1910 1 1 f taxes all years i 19 ag TOTAL n disbursements semi annual payments itts to fed land bank on n fair grounds i 38 valance vat luce on nand hand dec 33 1 1931 TOTAL toral COUNTY BOND SINKING FUND RECEIPTS S JJ ij diance alance on hand dec 31 1930 1 taxes laes all years ars TOTAL disbursements redeemed deemed Ke 1000 00 county road donds bonds pro ilo rita rata assessor Asse saoi and treasurer salaries I 1 07 frelund to sevier county transient live stock tax balance alance li on oil hind hand dec 31 1931 1931 TOTAL t INDIGENT POOR FUND RECEIPTS oil linni dec jl 31 1930 jaxes axes all years TOTAL t 78 disbursements monthly allowance albov ance to indigents Indi gents aso 93 11 lio I 1 anta nta assessor ind and treasurer ier Ea salaries laries 8 18 to county transient live stock tax 85 balance on oil hand dec 31 1931 2 23 sa toral OLD AGE PENSION FUND receipts 11 alance on oil hand dec 3 31 01 1930 8 taxes lai all years eai s TOTAL 71 disbursements vald to old age Pens lonn 50 pro ilo alta assessor and treasurer salaries 2714 to bovier county transient livo live stock ta f f i t ti 11 lalance alance on oil hand doc 1 31 l 1931 1311 1 TOTAL delinquent FUND pui jd R RECEIPTS ic E I 1 il 1 i ID fol i on nn I 1 till aih pec doo ii 13 19 ac I 1 2311 7 7 laes all years TOTAL 2671 01 00 fiscu fsr m ants to comity 1 scrim pa fund fua 1 bllance ll lance on oil liand dec 31 1911 1931 1 39 30 TOTAL 2671 0 COUNTY LIBRARY FUND RECEIPTS IJ alance on oil hand dec 31 1 19 1930 0 S rca IQ tata all years eais 6 TOTAL 1146 91 disbursements librarians salaries sal ailes monticello and 00 janitor sr services vices 1 1 I 1 00 hooks books and magazines 19 00 fuel library supplies I 1 1900 light 64 2 refund to sevier county transient lle live tax 1111 age library committee 1320 pro rata kata assessor and salaries ies 43 61 hook flook repair 9 03 on hand dec 31 1931 61 TOTAL REAL ESTATE OWNED BY COUNTY lot 4 and part pait or ol lot 1 blk 22 monticello townsite part fait of lot 3 in fit nik blk IS 18 monticello townsite TOTAL improvements 0 V E M old court house new court house partly finished library room completed clerk and recorder and treasurers Treasur ers rooms completed OD road tools etc 00 TOTAL outstanding indebtedness 0 OF F SAN JUAN COUNTY june 15 1927 refunded road load donds bonds nos 11 to 29 in de denominations 11 omina ol of each bearing interest at the rate of 4 1920 issue of county court house bonds nos 21 to 72 in denominations of each bearing interest intel est at the rate late of 5 aa 6 2600 BONDED indebtedness 00 i FLOATING none I 1 state of utah SS county of san juan juall 1 I frank halls county clerk and ex officio county auditor in riel nil tor for san juan county state of utah do hereby certify that the foregoing Is a trus true and correct statement of tile the financial condition or of san han juan county state or of utah for the fiscal year ending december 31 1931 including the tha total receipts and disbursements and the total indebtedness ot of slid said county IN WITNESS WHEREOF I 1 have hereunto set my hand and caus caused edthe the seal of my office to be hereunto affixed at monticello cello san sail juan county utah this 23 day ot of january 1932 1 FRANK FRANIZ HALLS county clerk and ex official county auditor of sa sau juan county state a 0 utah SUAL w ak |