Show COLTON adad RO AD MEASURE RECEIVING A washington dispatch of the relating to the pending rond bil bill I 1 P ons 0 red in cor congress gress by Represent it ive don donia ib colton wis was given wide publicity through the press of the country another highway problem has come up to congress congress for financial solution more than one half of all the land in the eleven western states is public domain and to cut through liese csc lands and connect with main highways on either side is obviously a government responsibility and not one for the states in which public lands are located in these eleven western states the people of the united states own fifty one per cent clithe of the land and west ot 01 denver public coill domain ain is thirty eight per cent of the entire area recognizing the fact that some provision must be made to edtom federal highways across these lands albillo a bill has been introduced in congress by representative colton of utah which authorizes the secretary of f agriculture to cooperate with tile the state highway departments and witt with the department of tile the interior in the survey construction reconstruction and the maintenance of main roads lends through or unreserved public lands nontaxable indian lands or other federal reservations other than the forest reservations the cleasur measure states that such sums sum as congress may her hereafter cafter authorize to e expended under jhc thc the provi provisions slon s 4 0 the bill sh habe allbe apportioned among those stites stiles having more than 6 5 pur per centon their area in public lands and shall be prorated and apportioned to uch such states 1 in proportion that sail said lands ands in the states are eligible under the provisions of the act and that wo no contribution from the states shall bl bis required in the expenditure thereof the te roads so built are to be constructed ted and maintained under thi pro provisions v alons of the act and shall be of the said same e standard as to width and character of colstr construction as tile the federal federa era government requires of the states under like conditions provided that I 1 ii the allocation of any such funds authorized to be appropriated the bill or any subsequent act preference shall be given to these projects which are located on the federal aid highway system as the file same are aie now or may hereafter be designated mr coltons collons Col tons measure has been unanimously approved by tile the house comm committee attee on lon roads and its early passage is hoped for by the highway departments in the states concerned it must be remembered that there is no way to get an intoci interstate state system 0 of roads broads across these states except by trav traversing eising these lands hold by tile the federal government |