Show DEFEAT A number of important countries have given up tip tor for the time being their democratic institutions feeling the economic strains of recent years their affairs are now rim bv dictators the mi li ments and congress that le legally alev should direct their business are reduced to practical ir impotence such developments are a disappointment to people who had faith that democratic institutions constitute a su sure path to prosperity and progress in these boun countries tries th their or congresses were so torn by factions that they failed to solve the nations nation S problems each little fact faction idil was vas interested only in the adelf welfare are of its own element elemen tp and would not consider the needs of the whole country so they arri vedat a deadlock each little bloc refusing to act unless its lar demands were complied with the people became bierd of futile oratory and demanded to have something done when some smine dicob came along who promised lu useful efel action they assented to his rule in preference to I 1 the interminable wrangling of their politicians under demora democratic tic government could anything of this kind happen in the united states ou our people are far better trained inthe science of operating democratic government and they would not tolerated tolerate any dictator at the same time there is a strong tendency in our congress to wrangle and talk and argue without getting anywhere the american people have a way of electing a president who represents one point of view and also a congress the majority of which has quite a different idea then the congress and aad the president lock horns and the people suffer from the failure to solve their problems it is to be hoped hope d that at the next election the people will have se sense nse enough to elect a president and a congress who will agree on a certain pro program grami and then carry it out the country is tired of non action and endless oratory i |