Show experiments show that best hens pay profits illinois hens that were given a c hance chance held up their end of the farm earnings under the stress of 1930 conditions by paying average profits of a hen says the missouri farmer records kept by farm flock owners in operation cooperation co with the extension service sen ice of the college of agriculture university of illinois have been surn BUCI marked marl zed the average profits of a hen were paid by the one third high est locks in the group in contrast the one hiie third lowest flocks docks lost money n at berate tt th erate of ba w cents a hen while the average tor for the entire group of flocks was a profit of 04 cents a beil bed owners of the one third highest nocks flocks kept up their profits in the face of 1930 conditions by taking advantage t a ge of low reed feed costs getting more ag eggs gs and increasing their efficiency generally it was explained by U B H alp poultry extension specialist of the college liens hens in the one third highest flocks laid an average of eggs each during the year while those in the one third lowest flocks averaged donly only eggs the average egg yield for the flocks was eggs egas a lien hen there was an avera average ge of hens in the one third highest flocks floel cs hens in the one third lowest and hens in the flocks |