Show county much ty chamber ch it mb er of commerce C 0 mm e r e Is I 1 formed F or m e d monticello aeeti meeting n 9 very successful wayne H redd elected first president sunday meeting draws good crowd road matters taken up as well as several others of benefit to the county sunday afternoon atter noon the san jual county chamber of commerce was put on a permanent basis and 0 officers to serve until july elected in the absence absen ot of state director chat tiie chas s redd ed d the ali meeting was waa call called to order by D P perkins and A J I 1 redd elected chairman pro tern tem J temporary L oliver was appointed temp temporary orar secretary detary mr oliver was called upon to explain the purpose ot of the meeting after which nominations ft for permanent officers were called for geoage ai A adams of monticello nominated wayne ne H eddow bland asior I 1 ii 97 rp reside nt bously elected elect pd county commissioner comila lioner karl barton of verdure was elected vice president and J L oliver editor of 0 the san juan record secretary S 3 darter casbier of the state bank ol 01 t sa san a juan jan was elected treasurer in the absence of the president i vice president barton took look the chalef and told ot of the work being done ork on the roads ot of the county he stated that about will be spent on san juan county roads and that only of 0 this will f come directly from ilip he county ile he said that the board i ot of commissioners thought that it was better etter li to have the main put jn alth th alof al of ha otate tate instead of or of trying to repair boma 0 alie abe oiin yina 1111 nun bac fil I 1 ha cou county nty be obliged to rr par the laan roads the county had only a amount to grul 11 fol foi roads and tile lie loners aw t tr tn inka aice ll ii go as fai F R possible nil itil I 1 icse nw N w tile the main roads loads in as good condition as a possible paul black of anding spoke on tle the road load situation and told of tile the advantages an tapes of 0 having havin a good road to connect with arizona and what it would vou mean if we had a rood good road load to to tuba city emil gammeter cam meter told of ills his belief in tile the future oe oc ohp county and what ahat abod roads would do for us and of oe tile the possible markets for things that C could oll id be raised in san juan jinn county kumen JO jones lies 0 of f blanding told ot of the early conditions in san juan county and of some of the hardships the pioneers pi oln es endured em lured A motion was made mad e by A T J rodl redd that the officers prep prepare are a slate for the board of directors and a program I 1 nd present it at lie he next meeting tile the next meeting it was vas proposed that be held at devils cinon canyon and that the be invited and A pic nir supper be serve the meeting to the call ot of tile the adlour adjourned ned subject president of whom time there were era t T ko iose se present tint that it was as a aj f IVL all that step in the right direction and it follo followed w ed through ith would be of great benefit to tile the county there ars are things that tile the chamber cli amber could sponsor sponsor for the good d of the county counti and one gnp ot of them la Is the matter of growing certified seed potatoes car loads leads a about i teis Texas imports gayln ing R bout about tour four cents year ear and are pi a t pound most alost of these come from idaho idabo and minnesota san juin juan has both the altitude and climate tot for rioting growing as tine fine spuds as any place in the horld YO ild these make a very ery profit able crop several ot of the local people havo have agreed to plant 10 acres next year more in regard to the growing of oc certified seed potatoes will be fan announced later the state director li Is I 1 gathering data daan on oil the subject and will make a report at the next meeting tha chamber of commerce Is for the benefit ot of nil all anil and deserves the support of n k y person in san tuan juan county V 1 a live chamber of commerce rom merce san juan county can it great rt eat aleal tr fr herself nold and if the elt lyells odthe orf the county will got get behind it a asail il bad baci up their officers cers they will it will pay them big div idenys |