Show instructions T 0 WAR VETS GW GI ef according to an annon announcement cement by guy washburn post Comma tidor ot of the san juan post american legion all 11 disabled voter veterans of f a an 6 w a ar r must file their names ss together 0 ith a certificate of disability and hAo rable discharge with the county before may 1 1931 in order to I 1 obtain the tax campton cem cledge C was extended to cx 0 x service nun nin ni n hy by the last session of the applications lor for tax may be obtained at salt lake Wah buin said ile he also pointed out that un married widows of veteran ete ians 11 and and their children are eligible foi or tax exemption up to disabled veterans who a alq ton con suit nit against acain t th hp iain on 11 tin tile of if tot nj 1 ill 1 1110 alit lilt lic h fore foit juar 1 1121 A as this h tile iu final i mille haribed wain cil Acordi nl I 1 a IIII Itin liv by Wah buin nil 1111 ais nl at afie dani dam are aie taken and no men will all bo be needed for foi at least cast sit mo months t hs whenever jobs are open the national headquarters will he be nodia e im nn and all c cx me nien will ill be notified as soon as possible fe tile the bulletin stated thit there 15 ri veterans vete ians awaiting jobs at the daill site and approximately had ilca rile applications by mail I for or any further in formati on either cither tax exemption or suits ag against ennst the government all ex service nan are arc instructed 61 communicate y ith the P post os adjutant t |