Show electrical treatment of soil of little value there Is a greit great difference of opan ton among agricultural scientists as to the value of electricity in the cultivation of various food crops many english authorities claim that grain and some garden produce Is quite mater lally fally speeded up so far as growth to Is concerned and the quality improved by a ur rent of electricity passing I 1 between the ground and a network of wires suspended above the growing crops A finland farmer fanner reports an increase of CO 50 per cent to in the amount of produce ind grain grown gron in this manner ake united states AgrI agrical cul tural department has lieen been experiment ing with tl the subject for years and the final conclusion Is that no benefit or ot at least very little has resulted from the electrical treatment of the soli soil IQ in fact it was noticed that a slightly slight li prolonged exposure resulted in killing the seed placed in the ground this conclusion Is agreed in by some other guthorl ties so that the preponderance e of opinion Is 19 that the elec electrical treatment of soil la Is without result exchange chonge Ex |