Show how volcanic islands act as safety valves Is one of the tonga or friendly islands situated halfway between samoa find fiji in one of the most restless geological areas in the world stretching across tile the south pacific from samoa to north island new nev zealand there Is a tinge huge fissure in tile earths crust volcanic islands such ng HA strewn along tills this gigantic crack act as vents for the molten mass within the earth tile the jock ln iii the box island of falcon lias has popped up from the omans oceans bottom at least twice only to be washed and blown away each tinie by sea and wind only recently it lias has made its reappearance again in larger size acting as one of these famous safety valves for the earths mi gaty internal furnace to of steamers passing close the ish lalind and loulis looks like tiny oil other ier tropic isle green wit il vegetation and coconut palms clean white alte houses and thatched native churches set in grassy arm isy lawns dot the hillsides hill sides when wind and sea are quiet landings landing are re made in small open bonts boats ahiel i a are re guided skillfully into a nook partly sheltered by lingers fingers of lava flow such landings are dangerous and exciting because the boats bob up and down with the incoming rollers and scrape scrap against the steep jagged elires national geographic society bulletin |