Show am owa I 1 R I 1 N beware of imitations J MID q genuine bayer aspirin has been proved safe cafe by millions of users for over thirty years thousands of doctors prescribe it it does not de depress press the heart promptly relieves headache sore throat rheumatism colds neuralgia neuritis leaves no harmful alter after effects A F E for your own protection insist 10 on the package with the namo name bayer slid and the word genuine as pictured above is 1 l the maa ot of bayer Umu facture ot of or 0 d shampoo regularly with lytwa soap ap precede by ay of this treatment will keep the scalp in a healthy condition and the hair thick and lustrous I 1 ointment and nd toc TO esc Z a 1 potter drug ft camicia corp kald H butt ene cne way the kitchen cynic 1 I w wonder onder how bow I 1 could get my what Is puppy love loe tawn lawn watered the rhe beginning of a dogs life you might set tile the house on fire chicago post for 10 TEETH IN taby I 1 K tz N U lIes 1 1 fretful of courna babies are uncomfortable at teething 11 aimel and mothers are worried 4 because of the little upsets which come so suddenly then but theres one sure way to comfort a restless tt co 11 teething child castoria made especial especially i adly for babies and children childr eril 1 its perfectly harmless as the formula on tile the wrapper tells you its mild in taste and action yet calls for a few drops to ward off it rights little upsets with a never constipation so does any suggestion failing effectiveness of bad breath whenever older thaes the beauty of this special child children re n dont eat well dont rest childrens hil drens it may be given well or have any little upset a to tiny infants as often as there more liberal dose of this pure is need in cases of colic and similar vegetable preparation is usually all aill disturbances it is invaluable but needed genuine castoria haa it has everyday every day uses all mothers chas H Flet fletcherr fletchers chers signature on the should understand A coated tongue wrapper doctors prescribe it 4 LYDIA MINNIE E HICKS so washington ave arc scranton RR L ft ladius in anim 1 I took lydia E Pink hams hains when pohen I 1 started taking vegetable compound for rundown lydia ea Pink hams vegetable condition before my compound I 1 could hardly do baby was born now I 1 eat my housework I 1 was so nervous better have gained in weight and weak from change of and have more strength to take cake life that I 1 had to lie down very care of my four children I 1 can often offen I 1 heard about the vegetable do my housework and not get a 81 bit tired my mother and my compound through a sister also several of my pamphlet which was left at my women friends are taking your door I 1 am doing all the housework medicine now because I 1 believe for a family of four and that this medicine will it keeps me on my feet I 1 have help any woman that will take taken six bottles and I 1 have it t regularly mrs lydia gained strength and flesh minnie E F hicl hicks |