Show LEGION IS sponsoring mm FolI following qwIng the nation wi wido ade move of ta the e A mer I 1 an legion to revive the int anty rest of the youngs youngsters kerd in base baseball bRil the san juan county post under th dir dire eion ocion of commander guy washburn has organized the boys of adland dia ing ng and monticello under the ages of 17 into two teams learns who will play a of three games ames mmes for the championship of the county county and tho the winner will have a chance to contest with th thi boya of other parts of the state in a statewide tournament two practice games have already licen 1 ican played between the towns in order to make a start before the cort con test and interest has so far seimu atel ns as to make it apparent that the youngsters young have the spirit of the rame game and will give a good account of them deiv idies e s Y yesterday esterday adame a game was played here which resulted in a victory victori for blanding by a score of 30 to 33 |