Show OF LOCAL INTEREST WEATHER REPORT date M max airm pro pic char apr aar 10 60 60 38 17 cloudy 11 60 35 T PO PC 12 67 35 00 00 PC 13 60 49 T PO PC 14 57 34 00 06 clear 15 52 34 12 cloudy 16 48 27 27 11 PC T MRS H E BLAKE voluntary observer p thos A jones did business in monticello tuesday while awaiting ammons on jury service mesdames hulda nielson Nic lson lena blackham arid ad elva codner were iowah visitors from lockerby monday miss audry barton celebrated her eleventh birthday with a party saturday afternoon there were seven teen guests who enjoyed the refresh mant of ice cream and cake mrs heber frost and mrs chester black returned from the tha meeting of the utah uta h federation of clubs sunday night they report a very interesting program mrs C E alexander accompanist county commissioner clement johnson to town last on ma matters t connected with the estate of f her hei late aale husband R L wilkin director of the boulder knoll oil company who has been in kansas during tho the past winter was a visitor in town thursday last looks ing over conditions ile he was accompanied by mrs wilkin who ho made a visit to mrs C E alexander farmers should take advantage of the big auction sale ot of farm implements at the L H redd store next saturday it D B perkins and wife if H lloyd hansen and wife and bliss Miss Isabell redd matlo made a quick trip to fo salt lake city tho the first of the week to sei the pageant i cani tavy they expected to bring 1100 baby turkeys home with th them cm henry carlson went 16 WM moab ab and I 1 thompsons Thomp sons last week where lie he lias has c charee h arg e of a couple 0 of construction jobs for the moab grage garage company mcany j that company is building a new gai ga I 1 rage to replace the oh one rec recently enily consumed iby fire and h a s service c arvice station at moab to better facilitate cili tate the handling of the trade there seven ladies of various denominations met at the home of airs spearman saturday afternoon to discuss the feasibility of starting g a union sunday school for the summer it was decided to hold sunday school sch 0 I 1 at alie th e home of mrs may cooper cooper sunday nex next and to invite the baptist minister up from moab to hold services as soon as a suitable place of assemblage sem blage could be secured I 1 a R A gillis gilli the now new district road engineer accompanied ac com danied by R gsimpson BS simpson impson who has been transferred to salt lake made a tour of inspection of the san juan county highways the first of the week mr air gillis was getting a line on the road work to be done 1 in the county and checking up on equipment necessary to carry out the state program of betterment work lie ile stated that the program for the county would be pushed as fast as equips equipment ent could bo be brought in and plans could bo consummated consummate y |