Show estate of M T i young youn Dec deceased caged creditors will present claims with You youthers chers to the al n Hs hh place of residence lesMe in monticello utah on or r before the day of nay blay A D 1030 1930 CLAUD L YOUNG administrator first pub B mar 20 dinst alir 8 NOTICE FOR publication department of the interior IT S L land ind otrice office at salt lake city catl utah notice is hereby given that ella chapman washburn of Rl andini utah who on may 11 1025 made homestead entry no fol foi SEU SEA sec 33 see sec st 31 twp tap 35 south range 23 east sl sa SEIK sei lots 1 and 2 section 4 township 36 south range 93 23 eat east S L 1 meridian has filed notice of intention to make final proof to establish clain claim to the land and above described describe bedfor william ervin palmer public at blanding Blan dinc utah on the joth lay day of may 1030 Claim claimant lint names as witnesses 13 D black atthur arthur hurst waldo walda E harvey and joseph M palmer all of blanding utah ELI E F TAYLOR register first pub mar 20 last apr aar 17 NOTICE TO of blur blue mountain irrigation company monticello dlo san sail juip county utah NOTICE is hereby riven given that nt at a meeting of 0 tho the direito ri held en the lay flay of march 1920 19 0 in an r rs silent kess of 12 cents per sharo share was levied on the ilia capital stock of the corporation payable to the se cretai 1 F P I 1 jone at ills his residence in monh mani cello utah on saturday may 15 1930 any stock upon which this assess merit may remain unpaid on june 1 1930 1930 will 1 g n delinquent and will be advertised for corsale sale at public auction to pay the delin delinquent quert assessment together gether with nit nil costs of advel advertising and expense of 0 sale P F P JONES 27 at secretary NOTICE FOR publication PUBLIC deportment of 0 the interior IT e Q lind land office at salt lake cit cita uia utah h aaril annly 1 ip ima jo notice ic 0 is is hereby given tnt that marv ITar garetta bacton or of monticello Monti utah who jbf on oil sept 21 2 1911 made I 1 pipit ier t I 1 ml n I 1 no for B bisci Ni wa SE i iz t section seel ion 5 rown ann ll 11 auth range 24 aaa I 1 ast salt I 1 lake ake meridian has ws fiod filed notice of E intention to make firl pi noa to establish h baim to the land neove described bc fore tho the clork of tho the isan distri t coat oil nt t aoi to fic utah on the lay clay of 0 ma 10 under knoer the th hom esten I 1 pro iro mn ris ni of tile the net art af march 4 5 claimant as witness IS georgc r P barton ried fred Y jensen lansen 1 R chri torson and rodney SS pehrson all of Morti cello utah ELI F TA LOT register Rf first pub apr aar 10 last may 8 a 0 the ali moab garage company compan ed cd the fust first consignment of cuse farm nt at the local ware house today they being agents in in tins this part of the state for that line I 1 I 1 STATEMENT TATE OF THE OWNERSHIP 1 management 1 TION ETC REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST I 1 21 1812 1912 I 1 of tho the san juan record published weekly at monticello utah for alij 1 1930 state of utah SS sa county of san juan before me a notary public in in and for the state and county aforesaid personally poison ally appeared appealed II if E make blake who having been duly sworn according to I 1 law deposes and sayi sis that he be is is tile the I 1 editor of the san juan record and that the following is is to the best of his knowledge and belief a true statement of 0 the ownership management a etc to of the aforesaid publication for foi the date shown in in the above aboe caption cip tion required by the act of august 24 1912 embodied in section postal laws and regulations printed on reverse of tins this forni to wit 1 that the names mines and addresses of 1 lie publisher editor managing editor I 1 tile the business manager are arc publisher Publish ei editor managing editor and business is is 11 II E make blake monticello utah 2 that tho the owner is jf if ali publication ia is owned by an individual his name mime and address ad diess or 01 it if owned by bv more than one individual the names and addresses addi esses of each should he bp given below if the publication 11 is 1 owned by a corporation the name of ali tha 3 corr ora t io n and the names and an 1 addresses or of the stock homers owning evnin or holding one per cent or more of the tota tit amount of stock I 1 be a given 11 II E blake monticello utah 3 that the known bord holders mortgage mort garp gare aal other security holderie owning or holding I 1 per rent cent or more of the total amount of bonds mortgages or other securities are state Stat bank of san juan monticello utah I 1 11 E B BLAKE editor sworn to and subscribed before me this let in lay lai of april ISO SEAL al A BARTON my commission expire nov 16 ml 1031 I 1 see rover ernp rr blance tor for your your amer ainer i 1 lean ican magazine ind and colliers lers weekly |