Show JOBS OPEN F OR MEN AND TEA M work on the dry valley valle y road r 0 ad gravel ling project scheduled schedule d t to 0 b begin e g I 1 n wednesday will give e very every able bodied man who wants and needs work an opportunity for gainful employment K 0 wright wight assistant chief engineer of the state road commission informed the record tuesday mr wright together with ray C gillis district engineer H J nielsen Nl elsen resident engl heer and J W whiting the contractor were on the ground wednesday prepared to start work at once the project calls for the gravel ling finish grading and the placing of some cu lverts and guard rails on in miles iles road from big wash to the end of the gravel at peters hill in dry valley approximately will be spent on the project contractor whitings writings tings camp has been located for some time waiting favorable 11 ble weather to commence operations aside from his few key men foremen all labor and teams will be from san juan county selections of the men to be employed to be chosen by the contractor from a list approved by the san juan county commission and the resident engineer mr wright said that similar relief projects carried out in other parts of the state have proven the most beneficial work ever undertaken for the combined purpose of meritorious public improvement and the providing of work for the unemployed the system he said had worked with hardly a hitch and both contractors and county commissions have uniformly cooperated to make the program successful cess ful white while under the form of contract the contractor Is not compelled to rotate work the road commission has s strongly urged this and contractors have without exception followed this method mr wright stated that fifty teams can be used at one time on the job in hauling and placing gravel and that possibly as many as men can be I 1 used it is expected that it will take about about three months to complete the job I 1 it i that ahe the county cominis sion alrea already dybas has a good sized without teams who will be ready as soon a as s the contractor is able to use them I 1 A game of basketball was mas played on the local floor wednesday evening between the town teams of norwood colorado and monticello the montt monti cello boys were easy victors the score being 40 22 |