Show SANITARY BEAUTY PARLORS N A recent lecture tour I 1 had occasion 0 ON to drop in at a strange beauty parlor in a strange city ong one rainy alny day one of the women waiting head of rae ine had worried expression on her face after several minutes she evidently gathered enough courage to s speak penk to me tile the subject of her annoyance the unsanitary measures of the establishment I 1 had nl al already noticed that a single comb and scissors were being used by the haircutting department that towels were no not t changed between manicures the fact that I 1 was about to walk out myself added to my compan companions lous courage and out we both walked she explained that slie she had never been to the shop before bad just dropped to in because of the rain iraln and suggested the beauty salon she usually patronized patroni sed when ne e reached her shop I 1 had a very pleasant peasant surprise the difference between the two parlors was so tn marked no wonder the arst had annoye my new acquaintance such sparkling cleanliness sanitary measures observed to tile the letter manager to supervise consult with patron see that everything clicked smoothly even a few usherettes usher ettes to receive clients cordially and direct them to a comfortable walting roon the walls cel belling linci and floors of tills this salon were and not a sign of snipped hair anywhere clippers tweezers scissors and all other articles are sterilized lizet as well as tlc abe combs and bruh brushes hes individual cotton pads are used instead of powder puffs the neck luster duster of the unsanitary solon salon I 1 taboo not only Is every sanitary precaution taken la iu this model salon and happily there are many of them throughout the country but in addition every co comfort efort Is provided for the he customer A dyt dyr test Is given by a specialist in hair dyeing a test curl by the permanent waving capert theres there a separate daylight room where a customer may choose in privacy a tr match her own hair visions of ahe he old fashioned community drinking cup and family hair brush make us shudder dont be secretly shocked hy by unsanitary beauty parlors do what we lid did walk out and choose a model salon to patronize |