Show THE EDITORS MAIL BOX SHALL THE CONTINUE 7 shall the nita ml V und lind associate plans pi ins loe lie cabied ont yes es by y all means and with greater power as time sues goes on in order to gain tile end of socia socialize liz industry a common w wealth of t the people in ili order to do this we must have we nt denst government po eminent control of banks power plants and the retiring in the near future of f our government bonds and no io wore more from til capital as that only puts us in dait more and more to in that dass class who do nut not produce pro luce hut but reap the fruits of all producers WO 0 o the government must plana plan a tn abstein will meet all 1 dc I mands of government and at ithe dillile time wipe out the flagrant in eila or of tle the present system to my m mind tills Is simple nelse devise a system will tale take from thosa to and in proportion to the benefits lenel ts they reele from arom tile g indin ment m makes it possible llo tor for them thell to prosper call lit a bales tar oil nil income tax tn or what you ion will illia to iny nn mind Is the found foundation atlon a system of buldic works voiles aich will all the as fast as releases them in the build building inz of large lare and small res es e eidolia divoll si thra the wanting of trees t tho lie of our parks fur for play grounds for tile people to spend n part of their leisure time near na iturea heart he lit man at 0 miles or if bowis van im lie hullt to to pet ct to the isolator Iso lator districts that yet been explored in our greald west from time to time in our great ma chinery and inventive age ae we must plan abbad to tb spend this leisure time in it a useful manner for tile the illi leiff ng of 0 humanity the creator like earth dunand sun ami air together sether ti with mans braind und and hands creates till nil wealth under a destra bla and fair system ot of government ern ment tille wealth should lie be and impair tally its tributes tri buted we have committed the RULE to men memdry kory lot let us its now try to ti practice Irac tice it so far as poss posa ible in government FRANIC fit AN K jarr jan 1131 point utah |