Show RESIDENT BUTLER SPEAKS SOME PLAIN FACTS I 1 december agh dr butter atlie venable t president of columbia aty ty spoke on olf i on er a I 1 conditions es 4 ec lally money I 1 and national arthars art lars and a ild welfare the eminent enat nent scientist alid d thinker thi liken boldly states that tile present pie sent method of must bo be lir edified or our system as it now op oil e elc laceal i ft II 11 I 1 full ahls croul ng spirit ot of unrest or di lit satis satisfaction factOn with the manner of do ini things Is aa we lia have e been doing doans Is 13 froin roin many men of ente enve in 14 national ional life but bitt when via en dr isuel ei sill ills words attract vt attention 1 hire anti and ab roiti ile he Is 13 one 0 ne able thinkers of the da day and men respect him even en tho the they may disagree with his ideas C AV A work awl la is bringing forth liol hot words wo pro and con on defenders r are as mini r 1 it seem is tile the critics I 1 dr Dri ButIer alesna hini self with the friends of changes and important mor at al unit ethical improvement evidently el dently making morality in the larser larger sense the alie |