Show SURVEY MADE FOR WINTER CAMP AT BLUFF WHERE SHOULD BE EMPLOYED monday county chairman Willil williams lills and secretary iloner Ia It lnier of the CA were at bluff and Hl andla but I 1 went to line up tit the final aln il details ol of tile the proposed rump for vold rold weather we atler at bluff Il liitt which was done and pap papers r sent to tn SIX for final appi oval there are ara over oer men who v 10 lo need work and wit coli cold increasing and snow banow on the groni ml it Is only a matter of dw days before dirt work on oil the alie higher lands landa will end 1 londaY they were still grivi ling plowing and scrap in dirt in Il landing even een tho frost ted teI kowl good leveling but the IA sat sal crew lifts ILAS leen been laid off all week who were ere on the state road jol job 1 in ili we fiade work still OUR pim atillia but now confined con nned to haul ing gravel from the good cowl pit opened up and to some finishing of fence line lille monday claud young was tora fore man of a arny nila went out to south koutsi point but they found it impossible ito to work because ot of snow and frost and the same applies on till nil alls hesli h area and each cold coid day while alle not I 1 as 63 cold us zero it dt Is pinching atik liang down a little clr at williams cyns na offered employment at green iziver lut but cepl replied I 1 ed lie would mould stay here bere beola li ilse to t quit now no would lie be unfair to lils ills fellow workers sir mr birke advises tita alia skilled labor Is called tor for often tile last lasi few days determined effort to get a camp amp for or the te winter wadell tor for many may lle lie a 00 da lay job but assured to feb irth la Is gathering force only by arid and talked halon per laps may we te get bet this hut bilut such a large lara number ot of leq idle Is altoft state rond road work Is still going on south of verdure using usan alternately alte a small nit ninn taber ler three days dasa each diioli per week but libit neer theles tuesday tahe drew crew vas ivas divided part going to tay point to t pull fiill trees from the eig lit or nine in lies of oe coun ty ronday ron bonday day ay and a number remain ing here to the force now loins doing municipal work in the 27 allowed abia county ito 10 are to tie be strictly under federal eon con arol have not been selected tel usual i red tnie tape apparently la Is holding baik back this employ |