Show BEAT THE ENEMY will san sail juan awaken bud and ask for in tact fact demand road work in keeping with its far oft off po i jitian alon und tind wealth our enemy Is fear carelessness or a common expectation that a few will do it it Is a ten to one bet bc that it if general protest su ported by the file majority would meet in their respective places each man furnish fifty cents for expenses nid and then frum frim this nt a aton create a citizens committee tor ACTION NOW av that fiat in avit lays boine rome thing would be going on down in this lands end of nowhere our utah in eat 1 l t take lake believe that this part of the ithe state Is to be patient and that some day perhaps in the remote future we aa have a scenic loop which will lead from the he natural bridges over to farfield county connect us that way with salt lake city and also give us a short route to the coast another group would have it arranged so that we shall have a fair road westerly lesterl y over ever the elk mountains and across ibe hie co Col frado frido and then vee ve northerly towards fish lake thus giving us a little more territory but no less mile age either one would arford afford S L a scenic loop and let us remain so far as an population is concerned just as we bile are but this caream while perhaps some day to be realized is not for NOW our demand evident to a cas nal observer is for a market outlet there is only one route for this and that is into arizona via kayenta kayetta Ka yenta such road is a necessity it will in sure us rapid developer elopement developement dev nent of agrical tural lands that get 18 tp 22 inches rainfall the wet nintha ninths being the crowing period we cannot handle the scenery wo we have bave locked in near mexican hat Is an indian cliff dwelling worth the line ime for all residents of utah to see but the road Is just sometimes no good and no road at all to the rooms of cliff dwellings on chin lee wash if we accepted on ly a small measure of fair play we would have the tha road to lo bluff halt half completed by now or us far as bland trip nut but itis not even commenced and no assurance when it will be done we are neither serfs nor slaves and patience has almost ceased to be a virtue |