Show menus mentis for the warm W arin days variety of helpful suggestions that may alay simplify work of housewife in ifer her consideration of meals for the coming week Arran arrangement arranged gem nt of hot weather benua la Is always deserving of careful thought and the lite following atleas given by a renowned dietitian will surely be found of interest As 1 write the menus for it week I 1 am tempted to use tise only cold dishes theoretically we demand cold foods in warm weather but actually most of us like some hot dishes 0 even en on the warmest of days 1 I 1 suggest broiled steak for sun day dinner as it Is so quickly and easily prepared with steak you will like spin spinach tich lb branche ranchO with cream this means spi spinach tinch which has been chop chopped peI slightly silently before it Is dressed with a little hot cr cream eniti which Is poured over it after the spinach has been put into the hot serving dish you may like ilka the strawberry and rice dessert strawberry shortcake or you may prefer pineapple with your shortcake SUNDAY breakfast sliced pineapple neady heady to eat cereal omelet amele t with watercress coffee dinner caa caviar lar canape broiled steak creamed tie new w potatoes spinach strawberry ice almond cake supper jellied salmon cucumber salad drown brown bread sandwiches spice pice cake iced coffee MONDAY breakfast orange juice ready heady to eat cat cereal bacon toasted muffin coffee luncheon cold tomato soup toasted cheese radishes red hed cherries tea dinner lamb chops baked potatoes beets beet vegetable salad chocolate cream cake TUESDAY breakfast stewed prunes ready neady to eat cereal poached eggs coffee to toast ast luncheon egg eger florentine balled asparagus olives tea strawberries dinner liver and bacon potatoes creamed onion tops cabbage salad rhubarb tarts WEDNESDAY breakfast sliced oranges and bananas ready neady to eat cereal scrambled agirs coffee hot rolls luncheon crab salad sandwiches little ginger cakes iced tea dinner pm pan fried potatoes new turnips lettuce with pickle dressing melons THURSDAY breakfast neady to ent eat cereal bacon whole wheat toast coffee lt luncheon omelet with giblet gravy lettuce salad naiad sponge cake with whipped cream ten tea dinner sliced hum ham and chicken potatoes Potato oB au graika string bean strawberry shortcake short oake FRIDAY breakfast shredded pineapple read Y to eat cereal baked eggs to anant a pt coffee luncheon eggs and potato salad sliced tomatoes english muffins marmalade tea dinner baked mackerel m cherel oven fried potatoes buttered summer squash romaine with spicy dressing chocolate mousse SATURDAY breakfast orange juice neady to ent eat cereal eggs hot rolls coffee luncheon fish and ess egg salad lettuce with russian dress drep taing lne sugar cookies tea dinner baked ham crowned browned potatoes potato ea fahed tomatoes cabbage and apple salad strawberries and rice strawberries and rice 14 cup rice 1 cups cupa mashed strawberries 11 cup sugar cream or custard sauce steam the rice until tender add the berries and sugar mix thor on ehly and chill in a mold servo serve with cream or custard sauce sugar cookies I 1 cup thick sour cream 1 cup sug augar r U teaspoon soda aoda teaspoon baking powder I 1 tea teaspoon oon salt alt I 1 t teaspoon ea con vanilla extract vi teaspoon mace 1 egg ege flour to make arlt dough douch stir the sugar and cream together thoroughly add the eggs well beaten mix alix the soda baking powder salt and mace with I 1 cup of sifted flour r to anka ke n sort soft dougl turn out au on a floured board and roll lightly hemly to 14 inch in thickness shapo with cookie cutter dipped in flour place on oiled cookle sheet or on the anck of a flat fiat pan lake in a i moderately hot oven degreer degree fahrenheit 12 to 15 minutes little ginger cakes 24 cup shortening 1 cup sugar I 1 res egg cup milk 14 i teaspoon salt aalt 2 CURB cupis sifted bitted flour 3 teaspoons teaspoon baking rowdy teaspoon ginger cream butter and sugar lada add egg well beaten sift lour salt linking powder and ginger and add with the milk to the first mixture pour bour into ginnel but tins sprinkle with sugar and huke bake in a moderate oven degrees lefi rees fahrenheit from rom 20 to ti 2 1 5 ini 0 1133 dell Sor borvice vice |