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Show Manners A La Mode South high school's reserve officers and ladies will reign in all, their stupendous glory tomorrow night. The preparations have been made; everything is in complete precision; all is perfect! When the time comes for the breathless moment to arrive, will you be able to meet it in alii its splendor? Or will you draw back, overcome with awe, in fear that you may say or do something that is not in accordance? Something that will make you remember the night as the one on which you "made that horrible social blunder?" Of course you won't want the latter. You want the Hop to bring back only pleasant memories of what a swell time you had, and it will if you are prepared for it. A huddled, cheek-to-cheek position, shuffling steps, unnatural and conspicuous bending and twisting and swaying, are all taboo except among the ignorant- and vulgar. Dancing should be a pleasure, not a freak display. It is customary to dance the first and last numbers, and the one just before and after intermission, with your escort. Also, a boy should never cut in on a promised dance. While dancing, don't close your eyes and wear a blissful or soulful soul-ful expression as if in a trance, but don't appear strained or nervous as if you were counting the steps or had no confidence in your dancing. danc-ing. Have a priceless feeling of self-possession, look your enjoyment of the music and motion, and above, all, make your partner feel appreciated. ap-preciated. Each one of you, but especially the one who is the better acquainted ac-quainted with those present, must introduce those you know to the others, so that each may have plenty of partners. Know your rules of social etiquette and go to it, kids! |