Show feats feg TS corf happenings mr air all and mis all s paul S henderson of myton were roosevelt visitors sunday mr and mrs airs brue bruce maxwell of 0 ft duchesne were roosevelt visitors monday mr and mis afis earl elliott of 0 myton were roosevelt vii vil on saturday N L peterson of of myton was transacting business in roosevelt saturday miss wilda maxwell of ft duchesne was visiting in ill roosevelt Roose veU wednesday mr and mrs airs A E edwards ol of myton were business visitors in roosevelt monday giant reusch returned sunday from salt lake where he be spent a rew few das on business pearl moysh thorn thora sabey letta robbins and betty albright motored to vernal friday loroy leroy C funk county agent of duchesne county was in aioo roosevelt monday on business mr air and mrs andy and or of ft duchesne were visiting in roosevelt sunday supt bupt charles at iverson and cliff were visiting the schools in roosevelt last thursday miss ruth smart miss cleo kruse and Ms M s daiy fisher ot duchesne visited in roosevelt saturday mr air and mrs carrot carrol robbins motored to vernal katurd saturday ay to BOO bee the play which was pr presented resented by tile the B P W club of vernal mr air and mrs airs L T wallace left dunlay for salt lake where mrs airs wallace will spend a short time visiting ling mrs airs bruce calder accompanied coni compa danied nied them on oil the trip and returned home tuesday don harold carrol 15 year old son of mr and mrs airs heber carrol of altonah alzonah Al tonah died at his home march of heart trouble and dropsy Clar clarence clice L ohton ashton accompanied by rae has ashton of vernal made a a business trip to heber city on wednesday mrs rae ka ashton visited with inith mrs clarence L ashton while they were gone work will start soon to complete the new chapel at lapoint because of the intensity of the cold winter weather no work has been done since last fall when all brick work and shingling was completed tire the first work will be lathing earl dillman first prize dou don ald aid lublin second and arvid fi third in the final t of the vanguard retold story contest held tuesday evening at mutual during the open in exercises harold bircher and chonic denier dener sang two giov with harold accompanying on th guitar mrs airs J V mclea visited for few days in ill salt lake last week mrs C J neal was a roosevelt visitor from ft duchesne Duches nc tuesday miss MIS s ruth smart 0 ot f spent saturday in roosevelt visiting nv with ith friends the grade school children were happy to receive report wednesday of this week mrs leslie aliton of vernal was visiting at the home of her he son C L ashton tuesday nell lundberg who has been attending school at the A C logan I 1 returned homo home sunday the misses josephine woodside myrle kelly jelly and alan johnson spent tile the weekend week end in salt lake city miss aliss alice pede son duchesne uintah county home demonstrator was a business visitor here tuesday from vernal mrs airs maggie rowley of the roosevelt coffee shop has be been en visiting her children for the past week in vernal her daughter er norma who has been ill is much better mrs airs warren stocks and family will spend the weekend week end at the power powei plant with mr air stocks at the tha close of school the family will move to the plant for tile the summer arthur T burton and bus ruppel of the sterling and east ern rn utah transportation com banies anies made a business trip to price iFil day returning tire the same evening the graham chevrolet company report the sale of 0 an oldsmobile five passenger coupe to fritz Seble initz of myton and a chevrolet master coach to mark tingley of myton I 1 mr aar and mrs C J neal and daughter miss Al margaret argaret were roosevelt noo sevelt visitors from fort duchesne monday evening miss aliss margaret dargai et who Is a trained nurse Is assisting in the ft duchesne hospital friday night march 10 mr air and mrs L A hollenbeck celebrated their golden wedding anniversary niver sary just the immediate family mr aft and mrs titus jones and mr and mrs airs guy were present union meeting of the different organizations or of ih iad R stake was held in the roosevelt chapel commencing at I 1 and lasting until tour four work for the coming month was taken up in all the departments and bustness business of the organizations was disposed of mr air and mrs airs jess allen alien mrs airs john E WiB combe and mrs H V P edards ed tt aids motored to payson monday to attend the funeral of 0 mrs basil miles a cousin of mrs airs allen alien and mrs airs edwards visited her father and aunt in spanish fork whilo there they retura ed home tuesday |