Show sa SOCIETY 0 C t E T Y N NEWS E W mrs M Jt Jo Edwards phone 78 76 miss thelma wallis phone 38 36 terry mills miss helen terry daughter of mr air and mrs airs david D terry or of delta and clyde william mills son of mr air and mrs airs richard issac mills of delta united in ili marriage march let jet in ili the mailei temple mr air and mrs mills will make their homo home in roose elt cit mr air mills Is operating a watch repair shop here when going out to delta before his marriage mr air mills had the misfortune ot of turning hla his car over on oil the strawberry road on oil account of the high snow banks breaking his mini aim which has caused him much pain junior prom the fl 11 11 S junior biorn to be held in the amusement liall hall on march has promises of a gala affair the following committees site aie working hard to make it a success president de 1 voc lambs Lam beit t vice president norma johnston secretary afton clegg cl egg prom committee brittee jay lambert phyllls phyllis daniels Daril els mary brady decorating committee ellen lails bernice harrison arrison II and mont dillont seeley advertising committee mary brady norma johnston ross black miss macion ross daughter of mr air and mrs airs forrest ross and alma black son of mrs airs misha diack black of salt lake city were united in marriage in vernal on oil monday march 6 it at the home of Ch chaile aiLs carter justice of the peace mr air black is employed by the miller honey company copi pany who have an asairy here the young couple will make their home in 1 for the present venial B P F W to present vaudeville the vernal B P W club Is presen presenting awakening at the U 11 II S auditorium saturday march 18 the vaudeville promises to be full of thrills miss louise jorgensen la is to be tire the bride and mrs airs ora lewis formerly of roosevelt is to be the minister A number of the roose relt it club members are planning to attend linzer linger lonzer longer club tile the linger longer club met on march 2nd and at the home of hazel babcock eight or ten members being present the time was spent in quilting etc A Ai dainty luncheon was served by the hostess tile the next meeting will ivill be held marati at tho the home of mrs airs edith ed alth eggleson Bg gleson every member is urged to be b present stake primary were received biorn all wards but one roosevelt ward was the last one getting their report in but they were delayed because their report blank was not received earlier bennett ward was the only one not reported all wards have been notified of union meeting next sunday march 19 fr friday dav bridge club Ms maud burton was hostess hostess to the friday bridge club march at her home A delicious t luncheon un cheon was served followed b by y three tables of bridge with mrs airs tiny wilkins receiving the high honors wedder z supper mrs airs jo john hn lundberg and mrs forrest ross gave a wedding supper at the lundberg home wed night in ill honor of mr air and Ms alma black who were recently inai ried in vernal covers were laid for twenty tour four guests dinner guests mr air and mrs airs floyd nick Hanm Il armston ston entertained al mr r and mrs george kohl of duchesne and mr air and mrs airs joseph moysh it at dinner sunday trinity buind tile the trinity episcopal guild met at the homo home of mrs airs AT E harmston wednesday afternoon atter after A the business meeting refreshments fresh ments served |