Show D every mccu occupation p aaion lifts HIM itself with th enlarging life of 0 mm him who practices it IL the tha occupation that will not do that no m man an really has a right to lo occupy himself about MORE CASSEROLE DISHES V veal eal hearts tire are most savory and when well cooked taste much like venison fry tour slices of bacon to a crisp remove from the frying pan and try fry a small sliced onion ln in the hot fat trim and wash four veal hearts slice them roll the pieces lu in flour anil and fry them in hot fat place the hearts in a heated casserole add to the fat in the pan a cupful ot of water or stock A minced ji pimento mento a teaspoonful of gait bait and half a bay leaf pour four the mixture e over the hearts and anc cook cod it two hours bours five minutes before serving add the slices of bacon braised braided calls liver make small small slits bills with a knife in the liver and insert inbert minced onion and slices of bacon using one onion and two ounces of bacon to two pounds of liver brown fat and flour three tablespoonfuls tablespoonful each add a dd liver and roll until well seared in the fat and flour place in al 1 hot casserole add a sliced 1 carrot 1 a 0 bit of bay leaf itaf salt one half cupful of strained tomato a cupful of hot but water or filock and bake two and one halt half hours vegetables en casserole cut turnips squash or cauliflower into small pieces and cook in salted water until tender drain place in a 1 casserole with two minced green peppers B R tablespoonful of butter and one half cupful of cream or rich milk bake in a moderate oven fifteen minutes then pour over a cream sauce adil a laler lajer of buttered crumbs and cook uncovered until the crumbs are brown kidney en casserole select cheeps kidneys skin dip into a mixture of minced parsley onion and thyme add a tablespoonful table spoonful of nour flour ca cayenne yetine and salt to taste add two tablespoonfuls u I 1 of butter and cook in a casserole cas for thirty minutes remove pour over a cupful of lear clear stock mixed with a tablespoonful tablespoon fui each of lour flour and butter cover with buttered crumbs and bake one hour when ready to serve put several tablespoon ful s of cooked rice if in the casserole around the kidneys with roll rolls of crisp bacon serve with toast doh oh for a now new generation of day dreamers ers they will not ask Is tire life worth liv living in g they will make it so they IV will I 1 11 tr transform a the sordid struggle 11 for existence into glorious effort to b become e c 0 m e that which they have admired admire d a and nd loved WORTH WHILE GOOD THINGS apples are fruit of which one never dever fires and they are usually in season in ili sume some form spiced apple wipe core and pare six large tipples apples aud and arrange them in a baking dish mix sugar a minth of salt and cinnamon to taste to fill the cavities add water and bake until the apples are soft basting often with the alie in the dish remove to the oven oien and brown chill serve with sug sugar mar and cream for the meringue use the whites of two eggs four tablespoonfuls tablespoon of sugar and one half teaspoonful of flavoring extract scrambled eggs with corn take one cupful of fresh grated corn three eggs one cupful of milk one tablespoonful of finely minced green pepper 0 one tie tablespoonful tablespoon fui of butter and one half teaspoonful of salt put the corn pepper and liala the milk in a saucepan and cook five minutes beat the eggs find aud half it cupful of in milk k together add to the corn tin and cook slowly stirring constantly until set add butter salt birj ar j serve on slices of but tried toast deviled oysters take two dozen oysters one cupful of cracker crumbs one tablespoonful tablespoon fui each eacle of catsup and W 0 ace ster q sauce one small onion oni ou one tablespoonful of butter salt and pepper as required smite saute the chopped onion in the butter chop oysters fine and turn into the onion steve ster ten minutes add three eggs and the other ingredients and stir until of the consistency sis tency of scrambled eggs sauce henriette Henr lette wash one halt half cupful of butter and divide into three parts put iut one piece in a saucepan with the yolks of three eggs slightly beaten and mixed with oue otle liala tablespoonful spoon tul of lemon juice and one tablespoonful tablespoon spoon tul of water set get the saucepan into a larger one of hot water place over the fire and stir constantly until iltis the butter bulter la Is melted add a second alece licce of butter and when melted file I 1 lie third piece then ad add two tablespoonfuls of tomato puree one of worcestershire ter shire ire sauce one half tablespoonful of parsley one halt half teaspoonful of minced li parsley amley ont one hilf half teaspoonful of salt und a dash of cayenne cayenne this sauce should br be perfectly smooth end and of the file of a boiled custard to prepare the oin ato puree cooks cool a cupful of f tomato until elince to three then put through i ilehr the liale pool I 1 am too small for or winds wind s to mar my surface but I 1 hold a sta star SAVING suggestions the outlook tor for the coming year la Is not lot tit at ill all promising in regard to lower pric prices ea for food so the wise h c u s e w it e Is making saving rather t than h a n spending her social standard we must be contented w with I 1 it h simple food simple pleasures and simple clothes it if we nil all pull together we may hope to help conditions the consumer must help to see that the farmer gets reasonable prices for his products and he must endeavor to help the government to protect the consumer from the extortion of unscrupulous speculators tors the great hue and cry of the people that the farmer is profiteering would cease if those who make it understood the real tact fact that the farmer fanner Is the poorest paid worker in this I 1 country try he averages 11 cents tin an hour flour when the farmer strikes and ref refuses ules to sell or produce except for his own use we may appreciate something of the burden lie he has borne food carefully served nicely prepared and garnished Is much more appetizing pet izing than carelessly prepared fow and an d thus there is less waste sauces seasonings ings and various garnishes aro important food adjuncts one need not be niggardly or parsimonious simon lous in serving food the children should have plenty of plain food and a growing boy or girl needs as much is as an adult the following suggestions gest ions lons were afen us during the war but they are us as necessary now with nearly everything higher in price than two bears 3 cars a aw 0 o pick pack eggs before the fall prices matte make such packing too expensive the sterile egg keeps much better than the fertile in some states the splendid custom of having a cockerel day and killins off nil all surplus stock Is one to be recommended to every state in the union eggs packed in one part of water glass to ten parts of water wl keep indefinitely boil the water cool it add the water glass thirty or orty cents worth will cover 24 dozen eggs D dont nt order more perishable foods than can lie be wisely used plan meals ahead to avoid waste and by ordering ahead it helps you the butcho and the grocer man think truly and ami thy thought shall the worlds famine feed speak truly and each word of thine shall be a fruitful seed live truly and thy life shall be A great and noble creed Horat horatius lus bonar interesting SPICES AND condiments spices may ie be grouped into four classes those which tire are the bark of the parent plant those which tire are 10 it fruit or flowers those which ire are its root stocks and those which are its see seeds ds cinnamon an and d cassia are closely related 1 the bark of the cinn cinnamon arnon tree is usually stripped from the shoots when about two years old which are fermented to make the stripping caI easier cr cassia buds are the undeveloped flowers of the cassia tree the crop of both cinnamon slid and cassia are harvested from slay may to I 1 november N ov ember because of the warm cordial effect of cinnamon tea made from it Is used for colic and nausea chicken fat is a most tasty fat every spoonful should be saved the vanilla bean is contained in the pod or fruit of one of the orchids a vine with spikes of large fragrant flowers this plant Is native to mexico south america aud and asia the flavor Is so generally liked that hat the demand tar far exceeds the supply and other flavors simil tir to vanilla are used as it Is becoming more inore and more sear scarce e in china the clinton canton ginger la Is famous for confections confect ions and flavoring anil and Is a great favorite in tills this country it t comes in sall jars or packed in boxes ns as crystallized fruit the active principle of horseradish horse radish its volatile oil is identical with its near relative mustard horseradish Horse radish while popularly considered merely a condiment is used medicinally it Is s so beneficial and stimulating to the tha dig esthe estlie organs that it Is often prescribed as a tonic to create appetite when a general rundown run down condition prevails it is considered un an excellent blood purifier and good for the kidneys mixed with honey it Is a most efficacious cough remedy ginger tin and horseradish horse radish are the chief re representatives ves of the file root stock type these roots are known and grown in both lierni the american can colonies inherited the old dutch and engli sli NII uses of both for seasoning moats pickles and the ginger gootan preserves sweetmeats sweet meats cakes and for medicinal uses hux aw |