Show y VARIETY OF BIG importance commercial handlers of fruit must take note of characteristics to avoid disaster prepared by the united states department of 0 agriculture from whatever standpoint one may approach lt it the variety looms large in tile the fruit industry the grower particular sorts fruits having certain desirable and known characteristics te in order that lie he may supply certain it trade ade demands or be able to hanest hamest at particular time limes or th ih some other way receive the 1 benefits bene fiLs that are to lie ile derived from fruits pos poi SIs slug cert qualities or ch characters arac in a similar manner the trade the lie commercial handlers of fruit must take note of vail etal characteristics 0 lid wise faults will develop in their bus business inesz that will bo be dIs astrow i poor keeping varieties will be placed in ili cold storage when only long keeping varie ties have gained commercial prominence very largely because of their rood good shipping qualities when ilien they were seriously bously lacking iu in dessert or other qualities alleles allt les the consumer does not know much libolt variety names as a rule but if the hie retailer wh whom lie trades would take pains to supply always good dessert varieties when nhen fruit is wanted for dessert purposes and good cooking varieties when they are tie de hired for cooking everyone interested from the grower groner to the lie consumer would lie benefited thereby however da cis a rule by the time the fruit reaches tile lie retailer apples it are re simply apples poaches peaches tire ire just peaches and plums are anre plums without NIt hout much regard to tile use for which the consumer w wants ants them even with such fruits as strawberries blackberries and tile the like there are variety adaptations from the lie con consumers umers standpoint but they are not always easy to give full recognition even it if one were making an effort to do so to return to the grower after careful study of characteristics he be orders from a nurseryman for example the lie varieties of apple and peach trees that lie he lias has decided will give him the fruit that will best supply the alie trade to which lie he is to cater 9 i j t V 41 1 I j y d j ika i it 1 I well veil grown two year old stayman winesap apple trees as received from nursery ile he waits three or four years after planting for the peach trees to come into hearing bearing and perhaps six or ell eight years tor for the apple trees to bear only to fin find perhaps that half the vart varieties are not the sorts he or ordered deed even though the trees when he be received them from tile nursery were labeled according to his order the misnamed varieties may not fit at all into the growers plans for marketing and are perhaps practically morth worthless less to him it requires no argument to convince one that the variety Is important to the he grower once the problem la Is stated the misnaming of varieties in such a case may be due to carelessness to indifference to sheer dishonesty or to entirely honest errors the results so far as the grower Is concerned however are the same in any case |