Show TIIE THE NENANA Nt COAL i FIELD the nenana benana coal held field which lies about miles north of cook inlet klaska arid and will be reached by the now new government railroad from so sc nvard miles distant hag ila been examined by 0 C martin of the united states geological survey department part ment of oe tile the interior whose report ort on it h has as just been published pubIs shed lied the field is about miles south or of fairbanks tile inland terminus or of the railroad and is more accessible ie 0 the gold mines of the tanana valley than any other coal field in alaska the coal is a lignite of oe good arade rade which when the field is made accessible will bs be used as locomotive lael iel on the railroad lor for generating power arid and for thawing at the gold nines as domestic fuel in ill the regon regan and as fuel on steamboats that lily on tanana river river and possibly on onie ome of the boats on the yukon the report rives fives the classification of the coal land and non coal land in hie field by sections contains detailed maps showing the areas of coal bearing and non coal bearing rocks nd gives detailed statements of 0 the conditions of 0 mining and transportation A copy of the report which Is published as bulletin of tile the united rates elates geological survey carl can be obtained free of charge from the diorec 1 or lor of tile the survey at washington D 11 1 |