Show PLAN TO IMPROVE ohio towns hip alms to make road more pleasant to travel over in heat of summer coupled with a strong ng goodroad good road roada sentiment in an ohio township says saya farm and fireside Is a plan to line the roads of the township with trees the principal reason adva advanced aced by the committee which has charge ot of the tha project Is to malse make the roads more pleasant to travel in the beat of summer in addition the trees will sn in a meas ure help to keep the surrounding ground moist by preventing rapid evaporation thus keeping down the dust they will shelter travelers during storms check the erosion ot of ditches on hills beautify adjacent property and add to the general attractiveness ot of land values of the community those who start such work are arc not likely to live long enough to see their plans fully completed and to enjoy the shade this fact lends ends a pathetic touch to the project as well as indicating a sincere and unselfish desire to be of public service |