Show 6 0 0 0 6 0 0 4 6 6 4 0 1 6 6 0 0 IN NEW l t 4 tw I 1 am now comfortably located in my new quarters in the A M E HARMSTON building opposite shurtleff hotel r furniture and stove new goods boods coming in constantly A complete line of caskets r 1 I and undertaking supplies SA A BIRCH FURNITURE t I 1 cash meat market E S FRESH AND CURED MEATS S A complete line of groceries A choice line of fruits always on hand r BELLON TAYLOR proprietors S RAY E DI DILLMAN LhMAN attorney at law kOO ROOSEVELT SEVELT UTAH W J BROWNING physician and surgeon ROOSEVELT UTAH CHAS WALLACE general blacksmith Horse shoeing rr a specialty ROOSEVELT UTAH GB KELLEY contractor and builder all work guaranteed ROOSEVELT UTAH UINTAH BASIN HOSPITAL dr J E morton supt bupt ROOSEVELT UTAH S A SMITH lee ice and lee ice cream ROOSEVELT UTAH physician and surgeon ROOSEVELT UTAH J 0 KING 0 D eyes tested lens duplicated ed F IT urmston craig fl Harm armstor stor U S mn surer co suran ED F HARMSTON SON irrigation engineers ROOSE ROOSEVELT VELT UTAH see J C DAVIS for cement work stone and roosevelt utah J P MARKEY MARKET barbershop BARBER SHOP bath tubs why when you can keep clean ROOSEVELT ROOSEVE LT UTAH ga DR E W BROWNING dentist ROOSEVELT UTAH ERNEST 11 II BURGESS atto attorney m ey at law ROOSEVELT JT J T CARNE stone cement and all work guaranteed roosevelt utah PAINTING decorating paperhanging PAPER HANGING will take work anywhere in neighborhood write ind get my prices H F SPEARS roosevelt il utah j j spend your christmas money at it goes farther and besides 0 you receive votes in the 3 contest Pari parisian siad ivory mirrors minors manicure sets cameras special shipment of stationery atomizers perfumes indian curios razors pipes silverware christmas candles candies cigars in christmas boxes tinsel garlands and belts 1 11 a A EL GG R mra MAIN every tuesday thursday and saturday nights EB 1 K ak 11 ca NIGHTS monday and wednesday U a we are giving duplicate tickets and the one holding the lucky number will be given a prize on november 20 SHurn way prince worthen proprietors A banking connection is fundamental to the success of present day enterprise not alone for the purpose of credit building but in many other ways the banker is constantly studying investments he has many sources of information that are not open to all he is sometimes in position n to offer advice that may save the customer considerable money the officers of of this bank are lead yand willing to help patrons in every way compatible with kith prudent safe banking four per cent interest paid on time deposits insurance that insures prompt attention given mail deposits roosevelt banking company 1 SHURTLEFF HOTEL nice clean beds and splendid meals MRS CHAS SHURTLEFF proprietress ROOSEVELT UTAH ca ia 0 is successor the W V J priddy L i ar jr E F y AND jik A ll 11 FJ GOOD RIGS HOUES HORSES BOARDED BY DAY OR FINE HORSES MONTH prices are very reasonable come and give me a call I 1 know I 1 can please you C Q J ELMER proprietor |