Show ROOSEVELT THE metropolis f tie the busiest and best city ap p the Hoier is growing steadily and good substantial dwellings are being put up man many y new business blocks planned it would be difficult to convince the citizens of rusevelt that barq hard times are among us judging from the many new homes being this season in the pickup addition to the west ivest mel pickup is just completing a fine modern 5 roomed brick colage A block south and west george B mcclellen eIlen is buting the roof on a new frame cottage and will move into the from the farm up the gulch as soon as completed still to the west a block D W marchant has the material on the ground for a 5 roomed cottage that will go up just as fast as men can be gotten to do the work C P bingham is putting the on a neat brick colage on the comer of state anI anikst south and our enterprising merchant 0 H bracken is getting the roof on a commodious comm odous two story brick residence on the corner of state and lagoon streets wilford whitlock the seller of studebaker bros buggies is completing a 4 roomed brick cottage on the corner of 1st ast west and ath south street our hustling bustling deputy sheriff elroy wilkins has the foundation in for a brick cottage on the corner of state and north senter streets while ezra burton and guy murray are each building residences in the Eldred eldredge gb addition on the north wm win haines smart and jim Rass have completed fine cottages on the smart addition the material being adobe plastered with gip with a rubble finish cement making very attractive I 1 cottages J austin pack is a at work on the foundation for a nice frame cotta cottage 9 in this same addition C C larsen his has erp erected eted and is just finishing another of his characteristic ib cottages facing west on the street west of his place of business and has just completed and turned over to pickup and doggett a nice two roomed office on main street just south of the store adjoining the roosevelt house george bracken is erecting a commodious frame residence on south state st reet and prof F J hoyt has one under way a block west will warthen has erected a large fine frame building on the illey alley back of his residence dence for a honey store room and across the bridge to the east just in the edget of af the city limits mr frank orser orsa is work working ilig on an the foundation of a brick cottage that must be completed very soon soon for mrs orser who has been at provo for the past four years with the boys who have been in attendance at the university ver sity will be here to take her place as a teacher in the district school which opens on the dinst and the place must be ready for her I 1 young and idt lia va their afi air new cement block butcher shop on laio lagoon 6 i avenue pl plastered astere 1 while bellon and hancock have the foundation in and the material on the ground for a hansome brick butcher shop and grocery on the corner of lagoon street and main add to all this the large L new addition just completed district school structure making six large commodious rooms for rosevelt s ever li increasing creasing schol population and the new high school building being pushed to completion and you have a remarkable building record for one town and that during a season when hard time s ore are being felt and every citrin city in the state is expecting financial depression and with al this there is not rom our hotels are nightie clouded to capacity and it is all but impossible to rent even a shack to shelter the new family in speaking speake I 1 ng of building brinza brings to mind the fine quality of building stone discovered almost within the city limits by the contractor for the new high this stone is of a very fine grain hard and of a beautiful grey colour bolour it is going to prove very much of an asset in al future building calculations the town is making a splendid substantial growth which can but be gratifying to the old and new citizens alike |