Show SPEND YOUR MONEY AT HOME the feeling la Is among us and we would do well to look around our own awn and see the beautiful things that can bo be purchase ed in roosevelt before sending your money to the mail order houses just take a peep into brackens store and so se the beautiful toys and dolls on display as well as the numerous useful articles and wearing apparel tor for men women boys and girls the roosevelt mercantile co also have a nitty nifty lot of christmas goods to choose from and it looks like a big of foolishness to patronize mall mail order houses when you can buy right at your door and see what you are buying the ashton hardware co have some skates tor for boys and girls and what would tickle the children more than skates or you might try giving them a pocket a dish pitcher glasses and many other articles that would make a nice and useful present at the birch furniture store you will find toys dolls and doll baby carriages tor for the children phonographs and furniture of all kinds tor for the grown folks at the reliable drug store they have jewelry ot of all kinds hinds just the thing thine tor for your sweethearts mother sister or wife in tact fact it Is appropriate for all ic C C larsen larsea has a fine lire lice of muffs ties and such stuff that make beautiful and appropriate presents at the cast meat market you can get supplied with candles candies nuts and fruit ED BO there wont be any trouble in getting up that christmas dinner the roosevelt drug store has so BO many pretty things that it la Is hard to enumerate them all toilet sets manicure sets eats shaving sets brushes co combs rubs perfumery and well read a theirld the irad and you can probably get an idea what you want to buy tor for your friend lets all buy at home this year for we have a lot of stuff to choose from and thereby liepp keep the money at home it if your money ever gets to the mall mail order house the chances are a thousand ogin sit will nover never get back ti the uintah basin |