Show THE RELIABLE DRUG STORE I 1 the best ne of drugs to be bought on the market T prescriptions a specially i i notions lotions fine eine chinaware cigars and tobacco 1 the finest and beat eat li line ne of jewelry in the basin 4 ICE AND SODA WATER v a M E HARMSTON proprietor roosevelt utah S r W r cd c d ii men s furnishings HATS all kinds and sizes prices to suit the purchaser SUITS the latest thing thine in fall and winter suits it is all nifty and well made goods come in and we will guar guarantee anoe you a good fit 1 SHIRTS our stock of mens shirts will compare with anyon the basin we hive have a large assortment and ana we know we can please you ciders taken for ladies tailored suits shoes oh yes we have them and they are just thealo the easiest shiest footwear alia eliat ever came to roosevelt the brands for themselves hamilton brown peters and Z C M 1 I come in and get a good fit and you will never be bothered with corns CHINAWARE QUEEN HARDWARE TRUNKS SUIT CASES VALISES SCHOOL BOOKS AND stationery THE OLD RELIABLE ROOSEVELT M E R CE CO ROOSEVELT UTAH M ens and boys sult in the latest designs signs a and nd styles alL colors and sizes athey being of the elbrand Elk Brand dresses so 0 these house dresses and aprons are the latest patterns well made t and very stylish house dresses call in and take your choice before they are all picked over I 1 ir hata star and tiger brand hats which I 1 I 1 are undoubtedly the best felt hat on the market all nifty stuff it popular prices st ar hat ELY BLANK double wool and cotton blankets for single and double beds we have an unusual large assortment and our customers will have many designs from come early and take your choice WM F pa ta I 1 I 1 I 1 L roosevelt roose ve lt utah this office prints nice we are equipped to stationery and does do all kinds of hand it if are looking for a new location 10 come to roosavelt it as reasonable as ana an of land wili bills po potters s t ers and wit win 1 plenty good to be bought baught ehe pIt ap it be printing office inthe in the the beat investment you rr ever made dow signs why not basin give us a let Us make them for or trial we know we you our prices are li can please you reasonable aw r e roosevelt os evel t standard st a n d car 1 1 11 4 etl ISSUED EVERY MONDAY IN ADVANCE it 3 art aa independent newspaper ili 0 0 t if you have something the roosevelt stand tand 1 YIO u want to sell advertise jou is working for fo r you it in the standard it if you want to know what is going are you goindo going to help on a you TOM adust ut I 1 want sc column olumn costs costi read rea the Ro rossevelt stevelt stord dard t it publishes real ral us if so come in iii I 1 locher line first arst time per news jut the tuff stuff you like eke to read re and subscribe ac per line each subsequent will be the best beat invest 1 4 time ment meat you ever made W s A 04 04 A 0 A 04 0 |