Show WE EXTEND A HEARTY WELCOME To All VISITORS GENE'S Electric and PINK'S Refrigeration Phone Roosevelt AND BEST WISHES FOR A SUCCESSFUL Shop Here for AN Your School Needs UTAH A D U I M C Brakes J 1 M ft V I II Shock Balancing v Regulators LEAVE IT TO US TO DO RIGHT BY YOUR CAR i AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS PROFESSIONAL TUNE-UPS POWER STEERING REPAIR 1 Guests of BEST eQuipped SHOP IN UINTAH Phone or I T Roosevelt on Highway 40 f whatever m the m X world you're A looking fory VISIT Call in and See r our Beautiful Local Indian Beadwork and Gifts INDIAN CURIO SHOP BESSIE IRV WARDLE Towering mountains crystal lakes j a picture at every In this thirst- pl creating nothing is so refreshing as the lively Tl flavor of the beer that's sparkle-brewed for the high For an outing to Jake your camera and for take 13 I I Fisher You'll like V FISHER has the FLAVOR I |