Show Overall view of the Ideal Cement Company plant at Devil's shows new storage-loading facilities at left and the existing storage far Students join in teen-age safety meeting by Garda Seeley The following Altamont students enjoyed a day in Salt Lake City last week where they attended the Annual Teen-Age Traffic Safety Conference at the State Capitol Chad Gene Mary Ann Riley and Jeanne Among the speakers at this conference were George Dan Valentine and members of the Utah Highway The group also enjoyed a luncheon at the Hotel New-house This annual conference is sponsored by the Salt Lake Tribune and Salt Lake Safety Ralph who is employed on construction work with an spent the weekend at home here with his the Owen A GRANDSON Mr and Leslie B Goodrich have received word of the birth of a grandson in Bountiful Proud parents are and Mrs Frank The following from Bluebell attended in Salt Lake City last Bishop Howard Verona Zola Stevenson and Pauline Our chapel has really taken on a new and certainly adds to the appearance of our ward area We are grateful to the men who have spent their time painting the outside of our Verona Gonzales of Orem brought her Vivian to Bluebell Monday where they visited around with friends and at the Powell La Verne Gordon of Sandy accompanied The Relief Society held its opening social Tuesday at the The following program was jokes by Mrs May Jackson and Marie Cleona Thelma Games were also and Ice cream and delicious cookies were- and Wilmer Murray and of Myton and Mrs John Tucker and three girls of Idaho visited Sunday afternoon with relatives ATTEND FIRESIDE The young people of Bluebell and the Mutual officers attended the opening Fireside at Duchesne where they had the privilege of hearing David O. This is the beginning of a of twelve Firesides to be held during the coming One will be held the second Sunday of each FIRST BABY ARRIVES Mr and Eugene Powell of Rangely are announcing the arrival of their first a little who arrived at the Rangely Hospital on Proud grandparents are and Albert Powell of Provo and and Van Wagoner of Great-grandparents are and James W Powell and and Claud Allred of Bluebell and Claud Allred visited in Rangely with their who was injured while Laura anu Betty Lou Goodrich visited in Ogden Monday with and Movell Seeley Movell Seeley recently underwent a serious operation and is getting along as well as can be expected at this time They also visited in Salt Lake City before returning home Wednesday |