Show GUSHER experience k mountains lad by Allen by Allred Charles Allen a frightening experience Friday night when she took a wrong wrong road in the Whiterocks mountains and her car ran over a three-foot during a and unfamiliar with the walked eight miles after night before obtaining help at the Virgil Robb home near the Elk-horn ranger She was on her way to pick up her boys who had been rained out while on an encampment in the Freda Markey and Deborah left Thursday for Salt Lake City where they will spend several days as guests of Ann and Marley Davies and children of visited at the home of and Glenn Allred Monday of last and Charles Springer of Provo spent several days at the home of Mr and Roy Springer last Springer returned with them to spend some time with her Oran visited Sunday at the home of Sylvia Allred and other friends Dru-val was a former Gusher resi- Neal Domgaard who has been working in Price Is home for two and Tom Finley and Ruby Ellen arrived Tuesday from Arizona to spend a few day the Charles and O. Weaver and children and and Dan ell Fleming and son Frank left Sunday morning for Yellowstone National where they plan to spend a weeks and John Saunders and Brian and arrived home July 30 from a two week vacation at Yellowstone National Their daughter Sharon is in Denver for an extended vacation with her and Lawrence Helms and family are vacationing in Idaho with Helms' and William Chamberlain and daughter have been staying in Duchesne for the past two Chamberlain was here in connection with government and Albert Daniels motored to Pleasant Grove Tuesday to see the tournament between the Duchesne Legion Post and Granite Their is on the Legion Mi and Lowell Coleman and family arrived home Sunday from a week's vacation in Heber and Art Smith's dancing class will perform Thursday afternoon on the Talent show to be held on the Park at p.m. Bill McClure and Bud Markey attended a water meeting one night last week at Lapoint in connection with the Lamar Farnsworth and family have moved to Utah where Lamar lias employment on the and Keith Clark and family have moved to Heber where Keith is Muss daughter of and Dave Clark attended the Utah Bandstand program on Channel 4 This is the second time Miss Clark has appeared on this program in the last two weeks She was interviewed the first time she A house guest several days last week at the Fleming home was Francis of A coffee was held in her honor on Thursday at the Fleming |