Show Finalists chosen In Baby Show activities Finalists chosen from tots entered In last Wednesday's bay show have been announced by Russell chairman of the baby They will compete for the Prince and Princess crowns at the finals next Friday August at 9 a.m. In the one-year group finalists daughter of and Russell Rosalie daughter of and Rollin Kaya daughter of Barcy Sheree daughter of and Jay Wayne son of and Merrill J. and Gaylin daughter of and DeLoss Other one-year-old finalists Lana Lee daughter of the Ronald Carrie Ann daughter of the Gary Troy son of and Woody Kenneth son of the Roe son of the Roger Teresa Ann daughter of and Nolan Two-year-old finalists were daughter of and Russell Tammy daughter of the Ray Debbie Lynn daughter of the Keith Cindy Lou daughter of the Ray Cindy Lou daughter of the Russell Christy Lynn daughter of the Kathleen daughter of and Keith Kim son of the Gary and Vicky daughter of and Al Three-year-olds were Paul son of and Keith Ivan Houtz son of the Duayne Marlene daughter of and Maurel Llla daughter of and Russell Barcy daughter of and James Kay daughter of and Merrill J. Wayne son of and Joe Diana daughter of the Val Rick son of the Floyd and Deborah Jean daughter of the Dewey In the four-year-old finalists Randy Scott son of Margaret daughter of and Pat David son of the La-von Dan Lee son of the Russell and Maxine daughter of the Max |