Show Ethel Beebe COMMUNITY FAIR HELD THIS MONTH The community fair sponsored the Snip-Snappers was held 21 at 2 p.m. in the Altonah Ward hall under the direction of their Gean Lambert and Nada Murray and Miss Mable Home Demonstration Agent from was the guest lona Dunsmore was in charge of the following Helen by by June pledge of allegiance and it by thc The following demonstrations were given by the ito sew on a by Joan Carroll and Care of the iby Mary Ann Riley and Jane by Gwen and Helen How Girls Choose Right Material for lona Dunsmore and Glena to Oare for your by Tarn and and Caring for your iby Norita A talk was given toy Mary Ann on their work for the past remarks by Nada Murray and Gean after which girls modeled the articles they made during the Thc girls commended on the wonderful work they have done and the fine accomplishments they have achieved this past Also their Nada and Gean deserve a word of praise for their part in the success of the Altonah girl's A delicious lunch was served to the of mothers and other girls of the Snip-Snappers first year Jane Gwen Glenna and Tona 2nd year girls and Norita Bowden and Mary year Word was just learned this week of tie death of Judge Le-land G. Larsen of Salt Lake City on August Judge Larsen lived in Altonah for many years and thc Larsen family were well known The many friends of the family wish to express their deepest sympathy at Clarence Smith accompanied her two Norma and Barbara Harrison of China to Murray for a few days visit with another Melba on their return trip home after a weeks visit She returned home August and Gilbert Beebe went to Wolf Creek Pass August where they met their daughter and and J. Searle and same friends from Ogden and enjoyed an Richard Olsen of Neola was in Altonah August Elva Snyder and and Gerald Jacobson attended the Hill reunion near August Guests at the home of and and Clarence Jones recently were and Lynn Wave and John Cowan and and Dug George Carroll and spent the weekend visiting in Salt Lake Lola Jones and Vendetta Clark were visiting with Jones' Fern Anderson in Lapoint Visitors at thc home of George Carroll Sunday 18 were and Bill Brown and family of Ogden and and Gilbert Anderson of and Walt Anderson and family of relatives of and Richard Leicht are here visiting for a Guests at the home of and Clinton Bowden over the weekend of August 17 were and Charley Bowden and family of Misses Coralie Case and Cuba and Roy Reid and Kenneth Case of Salt Lake Dinner guests and visitors at the home of and Leon Dump August IS ware and Frank Monson and family of and Duane Young of and Ronnie Goodrich of Bonanza and and Bruce Goodrich of George Fisher and Dallas Ames were transacting business in Duchesne August and Dennie Ralphs and Lloyd Shiner enjoyed a fishing trip at the high from Monday until August Thirty-four members of the family of Maxfield met at the City park in Vernal August 18 to celebrate her birthday which was August attending from Altonah were thc honored and George Fisher and family and jand Dennie Ralphs and Bonnie Ann daughter of and Clenty Ames was taken to the Roosevelt Hospital August 22 for medical care and is thought an operation would be David Timothy had a group of boys and girls at a party 20 to celebrate his Games and refreshments weer enjoyed by and Stuart Allred and daughter of Vernal spent August 19 with Stuart's and Dru |