Show 1 f TABIONA i PHONE YOUR NEWS TO 2321 Thelma D. Nye DUP Officers I Are Honored at Party ii Daughters of the Utah I Jitters honored the former of-I 1 at a special party at the of Ted scheduled for a lawn August weather drove I Honored f n were Grace 1 serving as County Captain of Deone Jolene Captain Sae Van and co-cap-f Si Bernice and i were hi charge of the were also edal Games were played watermelon and J pi hot punch Attending party were Gic and Wil-Van and toil and Le-tad and Leo and Frank and Ted Ada and Kenneth and Elaine and Dean Webb and have moved to Salt Lake near the Kearns where purchased a has been employed out there for some We shall the Webbs who have been in all church and civic but wish them well in their and Alvin Maxwell tad family of Salt Lake City v guests at the home of s cd Ira Hamilton during the They are former residents and enjoyed greeting friends and relatives during their and Ronald Lublin d family of Salt Lake were weekend guests at the home of and and Mrs Ned Clark of Lake visited at the home d her Lova and Aldon Chatwin ud of Salt Lake were i weekend guests at the home of and Fred c and William Clark of Salt Lake were weekend guests it the home of and Charles Salt Lake City visitors at the home of and Andrew Defa were their two and j. and Casper f Salt Lake spent the weekend in Tabiona Miss Ha Mae who is also employed 1 fa Salt visited at the home cf her and and William Van were Provo visitors during the week where they both revived medical We were sorry to hear Irene Thomas was on the sick at this Wednesday guests at home of and Ted Nye wre Vs Effie Nielson and tod Jay and children of Canoga is a daughter of Jj also visited Natives in Vernal and before returning to other guests at the home during the week were jj and Lynn Curry and f of Pleasant and David W. Nye Heber visited relatives and 3 in Tabiona Newlyweds are Feted A large crowd attended the dance honoring and Jerry White Friday them were several out-of-town guests whose names are not available to me at this Jerry the former Miss Connie iwas at a lovely Bridal Shower Saturday Miss Sharon was mistress of ceremonies for the program which was enjoyed those Light refreshments were Many beautiful and useful gifts were received by the young couple who will make their homo in Salt Lake Among the out-of-town guests at the shower were May Helen all of Leola Ellis of and Alvin Maxwell of Salt Lake also some other members of their families |