Show garden city gleanings weather clear arid and beautiful now is the time to overhaul farm machinery there is every indication of an all early spring many fany children and some of the older folks have tad colds warren longhurst Long hurat and family have returned to their homo home in star valley after visiting tim relatives relative 3 here the vaudeville company showed here on monday and tuesday evenings they are arc traveling south the cleveland mine looks better acry lay day and the mining fever is raging a little higher all the time it is nothing uncommon to seea see a group of men in geo gen popes store with magnifying glasses examining fresh samples of ore which george takes a pride in having in his irindow one man offered off ered mr fr glitA moore his hallse hof se arid and lot ranch arid and everything else lie ho possessed with the exception of liis his niec ufe and family with their clothing for mr moores share in the cleveland mr jr moore koore only owns a tenth interest in the mine but lie he declined to tra trade le garden city cily utah feb 23 1893 1898 |