Show Io adache quickly cored cared dr davis anti headache never fails TO CURE r A corn COLD IN ONT DAT take yo dromo quinine tablets all druggists Drue elais refund the money it if it tails to cure TH E MAN W L I 1 V E 13 0 he should have been dead but he because theres nothing succeed like success the formula for such ft A very valuable there is oo no withstanding the living llam orgal ren remedy iedy 11 w 11 II editor iha men t of the man who should be dead w who ohio farmer cleveland ohio dead but v w ho he would be dead but lor for it preserving medicine luedi cinc about the we way it I 1 seemed to strike editor lawrence keep fl a bottle of dr ayers ayera cherry pectoral of dihe the 0 ohio 0 farmer cleveland ohio lie he for I 1 tidy on the desk in tile office oo on was afflicted with one of those colds coldi that 1 the lie shelf she 1 I 1 or in tile the closet fit at home ionic aud and ou have thousands of times over culminated will have arthaud at hand a remedy that 11 capable to in fit consumption when not promptly cured at any time lime of saving you buffering money in thi this s condition he met a friend frien I 1 a consumptive conall all and d ecat life there is iq no malady so sump ive tive whom he had bad no not t expected to prolific prolific of evil results a a neglected cold aee ace alive the consumptive ae friend recommended there here is no lie medicine be 0 promptly effective dr J C ayers ayer 8 cherry pectoral rector nl in fit curing a cold aud and absolutely eradicating lor for the editors cold on I 1 the i ie ground reground that it its I 1 t effects koferts as dr ayers cherry pectoral had helped him wonderfully it helped every traveller should carry it every ivary the editor just as wonderfully giving ho should ke ip it it cures every almost instant relief but read his variety of cough and in till all forms of lung letter and d throat it trouble Astl asthma itna bronchitis croup and whooping cough are promptly about two months ago I 1 was afflicted cured by it and it has in many cases overcome with vilh a bad cold and meeting ine eting a friend lie pulmonary diseases in aggravated advised the use of ayers cherry pectoral forms when all other remedies tailed failed to which he claimed had helped him wonderfully oil help and p physicians 1 a 0 s go ga e tio no hope of cure der fully As he was a consumptive whom those who 17 for r cl convenience 0 n v have wanted a I 1 had not expected to see alive for several smaller sized bottle of dr ayers ayer p cherry years cars I 1 bouc concluded eluded there must be merit in pectoral can VOW now ob obtain t at I 1 it of their dealer this his preparation I 1 accordingly bought a in half size bottles at half price 50 50 cents couple couple of bottles one of which I 1 keep on send tor for dr acers Cu rebook and rca my lay desk all the time this I 1 is certainly more of the cures effected by this 5 re in edv the best remedy for a cold I 1 ever used it the book contains too pages and is sent gives almost instant relief nod and the 1 C free on request by the J C ayer co to be on possessing lo 10 lobell ell mass AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS wo we tire arc a berting in tile the courts our to the tha ex exclusa clust a uge fieo of the word won CASTORIA CAh anti nd PITCH ERIS CASTORIA as our trade Trado marlc mark rde I 1 dr samuel pitcher of hyannis was waa the originator of PITCHERS CASTORIA the same that has borne und docs now low bear the fac signature 0 of CHAS IL II FLETCHER on oil every wrapper chiq Is tho original which has been used in the lie homos homes ot of the mothers ot of america for over thirty years look carefully it at t tho the wrapper and see that it Is the tho kind lindou aou have always bought and has tho the signature of CHAS 11 II FLETCHER on the wrapper no one has authority from rom me to use my narn namo a except the centaur company of which chas H pletcher fletcher Is president march 8 IM 1897 SAMUEL R M A celluloid mirrors are arc announced gray grays s sweat powders for children successfully used by mother gray nurse in the childrens homo home iu in now york cure had bad stomach teething disorders move and regulate rOK ulata the bowels and destroy worms over testimonials tiey ricy nil at til all druggists sample FREE ad allen alien S olmsted cd leroy N Y dont tobacco spit and anil smoke your lite life away to quit tobacco easily basily and forever bo magnetic full of life nerve anil and A lizor linor take noto no to hac the wonder ii thit malies makes weak men s arong J kii all druggists or sl it curo t iccil ed booklet and sample tree free adars sterling fremody co chicago or new york to core care in 15 lillan tep tako dr dovis davis anti headachy smoke sledge cigarettes 20 tor for 5 acts FR 30 DAYS MORE YOU CAN TRY IT FOR 25 CENTS r FORCE tar 14 cents Tj we wish to gain I 1 goow now cue 1 REUNION LA GRIPPE arx to find hence offer A I 1 rag 13 day rad ih ite ff I 1 I 1 arly turnip loa vf I 1 faglio Ear Far lio liOTt redroot red boot loo CURED BY ns ka tf P Q Is 8 tile ho most concentrated and po powerful erful specific known I 1 1 bismarck Cac timber loc J ay iy B jf 1 0 pree free from and perfectly hat inless 11 ll I 1 concon victoria lettuce ra an ally foil tho lery flarnt wo we hake let lattora of grateful grato ful I 1 pi also front from thousands I 1 klondyke Klon dyko molon ice 10 rb i if who ho hao be been cured by 16 6 DROPS and mho ho recommend it ib to sufferers euf eiers I 1 jumbo giant anlon onion lao 2 3 brilliant flower souls hc v COD BLESS YOU ALWAYS A worth 0 for I 1 H I 1 coitt g swanson heu matlo curo cure co chicago dear friends ye yea yes I 1 shall albor abobo 10 pigs aliga worth sl CO we va will n 0 till of you a my fai away and thank god for di directing recal ng your ad ertzbe mail itil you yon broo to gother mith our oar 5 mt to this ceol imlah oh yoal I 1 mill gladly tell the ihlo but your plant nad and seed C a I 1 0 A done forms or me it found luo ertla from liertz 1 t to 0 upon receipt of this aced fotioo atoo and buo he c 0 foot lay day slid and night and I 1 bwl beul dreadful pounds in my lay head I 1 could not not 0 rat a I 1 wo y nor rest rent llo doctors bravo tile me ine dicino and nd it would stop atop tho the euln for now nom As nhen an you ou knoo tr try Sel balzora S ft short ehno but it would como coma again 1 could not have buffered ButTor cd audi longer boada yon will no vergeta on with ft at dinies I 1 cared not what bamme of nie me ind and my kidneys moro ina in a wry very bud bad shape OT ont otther them potatoes Potato esat ill HOO 1450 ft ei acry cry doctor I 1 wint to told rno me I 1 bad BO B ninny many different differ ont diou naos in roy my boly body that borini ro orin rini trado trade mark it a difficult dini cult to tell herc to commence I 1 could hardly kot got across the I 1 JOHN A ered CO LA CROSSE NITS roon room jow I 1 can call walk one and a half billea find back and god bleas sou ou it LAVA 6 how gladly I 1 would take lake the broncy it it were iol ble but I 1 tm am poor and hao no way may of traveling around if I 1 hould take lake it gratefully yours your una L WALLACE iowa january 3 ibis I 1 CANNOT PRAISE 5 DROPS ENOUCH fre efre e kansou sansou rheumatic curo cure co chicago dear I 1 thought I 1 would write a ma of my coso case faoa f taron talon in august Au rut with sciatic neuralgia and mas by two of vic host of our county y but they did not help mo me any but bul hnnry tor for me I 1 baw v dour our 6 DROPS a ivet and sent bont and nd e pi 1 1 aa rot a bottle and it linb fins cured nie me I 1 nu as very bad could hardly got around amund al all but now I 1 can go eo any where I 1 cannot biale 6 15 DROPS cemough for what m hat it lias has done for me ino I 1 ant am cry very cry grateful for or c I 1 1 an what you liae haie dono done for me yours truly SARAH K F kentucky Kon tucky Janu oryS IM AB A a positive cure for rheumatism sciatica neuralgia dyspepsia althina As thina ilay hay fer catarrh bb dorous and neuralgic headaches HAIR ile r t Ille akness toothache toot bache earache racho croup swelling la grippe ti malaria Mal I 1 arta creeping numbness etc etc ii p F IVE DROPS 11 has never been equalled equal led it cant make ti K 19 taken but 0 once licen a lay day isa la a boso doso of this great remedy and to enable all sufferers to a single new w drops ginlio a of f ito it wo we mill send out for thirty more mora root but if the root is sample bottles curb cah prepaid by inell even a complo bottlo bottle w m ill convince you of iti merit aogi and ined leine on earth large bottles dosi do si fl 1 00 for aa davs 3 bottled for ili J fro be not sold bold there it will give you a ly only by ua tie mid and oura our gente agents n anted in now new territory write un today to day ahr SWANSON RHEUMATIC CURE CO dearborn sto act CHIC CHICAGO AGOo ILL thrifty aty glossy growth no hair flair gray no dandruff leq CURE YOURSELF 1 culm 6 use UBO BIT big 0 for unnatural UDDe OATS 1 1 wady discharge bu bushels A bushel 0 rell 4 it stations or ulcerations aa to of hi luco u 0 0 at a meni brones how to at a bu and al 31 and not astria I 1 hua bull its hua bull harley barley and 1600 11 y seat nt or poisonous CLAIMANTS FOR PENSION bus potatoes Pota toen per at aaro atro ro ino huo our preat ctr calr arito to alogoo balled you esith 11 iona seel bom sold kold by I 1 I 1 F r BICKFORD IlICK fORU washington D 0 they cupon upon rec receipt 1 1 ot him notice and loc stamps U S A or sent in plain wrapper I 1 1 will receive quick B bith N H VON voli 00 balzer seed co ln lit crogle Vla wm by express unpaid pr annl for or an 1 hat or 3 lea 2 75 corps prosecuting claims 19 7 8 1 vat Q t circular cent on y s s s s ST 5 s s s ass ty sp s a 5 s s s s y sr a vask tn U YITI 1 ran S DOf PD W U ya har l t 01 V U arl a oia N 1 AX A V 1 1 0 FOR ca rz IV 1 ov V tyr r U W ii S oll p 1 n 0 i ff 0 v W r M f ja is ll 11 M v ir 01 10 42 00 1 gs BEST IN THE WORLD FOR THE PRICE 13 M EVERY J to RETAIL 1 C oz bioc oc 8 oz 10 16 oz w U S B abill 9 POW der co SALT LAKE CITY UTAH I 1 V s ca S astl mrs mr myrup for eb children ildron teeth ate ten the gums reduces inglam mation tuat loo atlays palo pain cures wind mind celle to iuro car forever take Cas carels candy Catha cathartic itic loc or it if C 0 C falls to cure druggists drue lits refund money A oito both tho the method and results syrup of figs is taken it is pleasant and refreshing 0 to the taste and acts acta gently yet promptly als on the kidneys liver and bowels cleanses the system effectually dispels colds headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation syrup of figs is tho the only remedy of its kind ever produced pleasing 0 to the taste and acceptable cep table to tho he t stomach prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects prepared only from the most agreeable 0 substances its ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known syrup of figs is for see sale in 50 cent bottles by au all leading druggists any reliable druggist aho who may mayn not othave have it on hand band will procure cu re it promptly for any ono one who wishes to try it do not accept any substitute FIG COP SAN SAH CAL kr HEW YORK VORK NY hf FTER NEARLY HEARLY n U PA N T R y H tho the record is unbroken H the record still goes on H T III J 00 B S 0 1 L H is tho the roaster cure for R H F U M AT I 1 S M 9 SCIATICA 9 LUMBAGO H T 1 ar y ya X I ax jfe a rf use only one hem heaping P in teaspoonful of sab 1 olli 70 11 y s best bak s ing powder t to 0 a quart of flour flou you must use two teaspoonfuls of other baking powder coo ia IV D 4 AN 1 I 3 sal m nil 4 0 11 L I 1 au K E purely vegetables vegetable 9 0 palatable ol of taste li ite WL WILL KEEP YOU DRY perfume pleasant libe or braction action m 2 powen ul yet mild dont te be boole fooled d w with allm h M a mic mackintosh kintosh r lq 0 potent but bots nots g or rubber coat if you anta coat r perfect laxative that will all keep you dry in the harda positively cibit ively guaranteed to est storm buy tile fish bran brands slicker it if not for or sale in your you B CURE town write for cat catalog u to t 0 A J TOWER dorfer boston ilos 0 a a mass lass constipation MR i A booklet and sample free for the asking or you can buy a box bo for loc aoe bt at your drug druc store satisfaction guaranteed 73 T 11 J sterling remedy co chicago montreal newyork or people that t aro I 1 sick or just jus dont don rop it I 1 L L NO HO tal lUB oil flu soll old babco a mabll habla if 11 by all d to druggists feel Fe well L ONE pon FOR A DOSE BOSE ONLY removes Pim Pl mei pies cures headache dyspepsia and THE SALT LAKE HOT SPRINGS 25 eta cl a box at t druggists druKs drug gits lif or br liy mall bani ples free i fcc address or dr blanko co pa ft sanitarium ba 0 ra 0 4 s D R 0 P ir 55 ay 3 ferand wont disk fiji S 4 3 rel cirei cu Is on an excellent place to pet get cured 0 of your lafr bk b k of t tim bells ami ml lOt layo cases open to both sexes call or arito for or t meat feels V lr it 3 8 ium us U G tr rt 1 cu 1 uia Adil id dres tile superintendent W HARVEY M U D kj 52 NV third south street n aff and lAJ WHISKEY HISKEY HASI HABITS S ter RecognIze no traveling doctor PIUM f fl imet W 11 T U n D C alpi we want a u t your you r stories poems antl and LURES ALL abe FAILS flu AUTHORS book abs t bs best bc t prices best cough syrup Irti stes G use stamp kump authors and lem 0 R N Alis answering vering advertisements blenton fleo lloa this roper raper w U salt lake rao 7 |