Show LAUNDRY GIRLS PARADE tako their ja in greater creater new york new york jan 17 several hundred laundrymen are on a strike in in this city jacob Ritter nian proprietor of a Wal walker licer street laundry hired twenty Chi nemen to work in III his shop the strikers sent bent a committee to protest to tom lee the mayor of chinatown and also bent a number of girls to ask the unfair chinaman to stop work but all in vain the strikers having obtained a permit from the chief of police had bad a parade more than 1000 men women and girls mar marched clied in the parade there was a band of ten pieces among the banners carried by the strikers was a red shirt six feet long and four feet wide bearing the words we are Figh fighting fightlin tin cordread for bread Dread As the left Ritter mans shop recently fifty men friends of the discharged ironers iro ners lay in wait for them I 1 in n doorways nearby the were taken unawares and they received severe punishment being clubbed and knocked about promis cu bously most of them were cut about tile head and had their eyes blackened the police finally rescued the chinaman and arrested two of their assailants |