Show ich A 11 yurui aarl bew DEPARTURE fron F ron this tirre until further notice BECKWITH LAUDER 0 will treat produce the same sailie as cash in the distribution of premiums pictures will be enlarged valuable books will be given outright besides a splendid variety of pictures in the latest styles will be GIVEN AWAI AWA AMM DRIN 11 YER MUM beckwith lauder 30 ako IPA dp this only ly tri 40 A steel world range IN beater I 1 why under heavens should people send away for steel ranges or anything else for that matter when they can do better with us we also carry the MAJESTIC STEWART ranges and everything in FURNITURE and house furnishings as well as WAGONS SLEIGHS and implements oats 75 cents wheat 1 at hodges mill BEEMAN CASHIN MER co the people that holdup prices of produce saia tetter salt and eczema the intense itching and smarting incident to these diseases is instantly allayed by applying chamberlains eye and skin ointment many very bad cases have been permanently cured by it it is equally efficient for itching piles and a favorite remedy for sore nipples chapped hands chilblains frost bites and chronic sore eyes 25 acts per box dr cadys cades condition powders fire are just what a horse needs when in bad condition tonic blood purifier and they are not food but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition price 25 cents per package bookkeeping 0 0 K e apiag etc thor hor stenography TEHO GRAPHY 0 y u g h r y taught BY BV maili MAIL or personally our system ot of teaching gives actual gruol daily experience in every branch ot ol business including banking merchandising commission insurance transportation etc preparatory department for ba backward akward students wo train tor for practical work and always secure situations ions for or graduates ot of our dullness business and shorthand courses students enter any day no ra catlon expenses moderate cont throw away time and money by going to temporary schools when it will cost you less to attend the besa we always bieu a number of students who have teft iet incompetent teachers in disgust such people tell us that six months hero here is equal to a year la in any other school B to rny any onofer first information of a vacant position fer fc 5 r REWARD E W f iv U tor a bookkeeper stenographer teacher clerk or J b r telegraph operator which wo we successfully sf ully 1111 business bombes supplied with competent assistants withof charre charge ref refer er to prominent patrons in every tart part ot of the world the next best thing thine to attending the MOST CELE NESS SCHOOL lo in america Is to take out instruction uy MAIL it gou you are unemployed and fui willing to study send ten two cent stamps for five easy lea lessons so ns in beautiful I 1 catalogue Catalo guo free address mention this pope CLEMENT G CA N r S poughkeepsie new YORK THIS SPACE RESERVED coop co op wagon machir macbird Mac bire coo co montpelier idaho j NOW ow ON n 9 SALE e tie the firest lire liae of 0 j christmas goods 0 ever brought to fich R ich co 0 FINE DISHES 1 1 l of all de descriptions script ions suitable for christmas presents 0 f 0 A fine line of DOLLS kerylow very low prices w t in fact all kinds of toys f etc etc 59 ce K 17 ni m 31 N 0 N ija i jp |