Show Sena torson on silver fillon washington jan 4 soon fiill bo be gress reconvenes an effort eifort made to find out ont just how low the mckinley republicans from the mount mountain tin states really stand on tile the silver question now wolcott shoup carter warren and dark clark will put on record a proposition to adopt die stanley matthews N at proposition as an amendment to one of the appropriations this will probably be offered by senator teller himself this rebo resolution littion was passed in 1878 by reau lican votes it declares that all the bonds of the united states issued or authorized to be issued under the refunding of 1870 the act to provide for the resumption of specie payments of etc are payable principal and in forest tc rest at the option oi of tile the government of the united states in silver dollars of tile the coinage of the united states containing grains each of standard silver and that to restore to its coinage suet 1 silver coins as a legal tender in payment of said bonds principal and interest is not a I 1 violation of the public faith nor in in derogation of the I 1 tights ihas of the public creditor |