Show crime in I 1 missouri by ft a mogro hannibal mo dec 13 dill underwood a negro recently released from the penitentiary called at tho the homo home of christian pabst a farmer living four miles southwest of here and demanded money pabst refused and underwood drew arev a revolver and made him lay down on the floor ile ho then pressed the revolver against mrs mra s temple and commanded her to bind her husbands arms and feet with twine the poor woman obeyed the brute then took her into another room and assaulted her in the morning she managed to elude him and ran to the house of 0 her brother in law louis pabst a milo mile distant louis returned with a shotgun underwood met and disarmed him and made him walk into tho the room where his brother christian still lay bound louis suddenly made a bound abound for underwood and after a scuffle he be cured the gun gaa and a moment later the riddled corpse of the negro was stretched on the floor mrs pabst may die |