Show S A NEW DEPARTURE ill from this time until further notice I 1 BECKWITH LAUDER LADDER M II 11 0 will treat produce the same as cash in the distribution of premiums pictures will be enlarged valuable books will be given iven sa outright 0 besides a splendid i variety of S pictures in the latest styles will be t w GIVEN AWA HI i BRING IN YER MEMO beckwith Bech mith lauder I 1 1 I it h afi u nr U FAIRCHILD CHILD DRAMATIC CO will appear at the randolph meeting house in tile the celebrated irish comedy MOLLY BAWN BAIN THURSDAY NIGHT LITTLE DETECTIVE 55 FRIDAY NIGHT 15 PEOPLE ADMISSION 35 CENTS CENTS CHILDREN 25 RESERVED 50 reserved ved seats on sale at mckinnon bros sl store ore doors open opel at 7 p m WOODRUFF SATUR pAY NIGHT I 1 NOTICE the annual meeting of the randolph ph irrigation district company will be held in the randolph meeting house monday december 6 1897 at 7 p m to hear the financial report and such other business that may come before the meeting J 11 SOUTH secretary NOTICE FOR publication no land office at salt lake city utah october id 16 IW notice is id hereby given that the rA loing named settler has haa filed notice of him hia intention to make final proof in support of his hia claici and that said eaid prout proof will bo be mado made before tile county clork clerk of rich county utah at randolph dul ph utah on november ov ember 21 viz th HYRUM A GREEN 11 E no for the S E U N E see sec 32 W AN N W 34 N W 8 W 14 sec 23 tp it N R 5 1 he names the following follow lne mitu cases to provo him continuous residence upon and cultivation ti tiT atlon of said paid laud viz vu thomas baldur john M allen alien robert A I 1 pope and george popo pope all of garden city rich ach county utah byros gloo Regi stor arc first firl publication october 23 S A NEW LOT P OF dress goods I 1 A ginghams Sani sanitary tory flan A nels prints etc just in v I 1 we are selling them very low also A fresh supply ly y t of groceries horse shoes mores hores nails wire nails etc etc we endeavor to w keep a full line of dry goods w and groceries at lowest w w possible prices w jamra elect lect LK I 1 N N 0 N R 0 5 leaf ra WN e H larv v just ji rit eu 05 01 Z 1 e d A large assortment of oj oi s RJ a nr ak dr A sh joe S 44 r also sugar cured hams tind and bacon get our prices before purchasing 6 elsewhere mail orders receive prompt attention INS 1 1 P H V E B RO S 4 MM HAY MAR K hu T LM corral at old booth crocker barn we have opened up the old booth crocker barn and established a hay market and feed fedd stable we take orders for hay and when the rancher brings beings 6 it in we vie have it sold for him thus saving saving hunting and waiting 1 I for a buyer we have a good camp house L corral where you can drive in out of the storm also a ali first st class restaurant orders promptly filled WALKER LUCAS props EVANSTON WYO laki tm 16 aut utah 1 N M proprietor I 1 manufacturers ot of high golden colden patent sheaf F A N C Y high uinta patent shear sheaf straight patent vrn graham craham FLOORS L U 8 family pride ra cermane mado made and mill feeds of all kinds winchester RIFLES 1575 C cash a s h all sizes and models the largest line of sporting goods in town dowil it fit eastern prices ances BEEMAN CASHIN MER CO evanston wyoming ir dr cades cadys condition powders s are just what a horse needs when in bud bad condition tonic blood purifier and they are not food hut but medicine and the best in use to put a horse in prime condition price 25 23 cents per package 0 for sale by all medicine deal i |