Show sample amate cop ltv genf e n f V FH kt na 4 weekly roundup round up of events ot of interest rain last monday night kinry clouter has been appointed for this ward judge corn an ani ami I attorney rickman rf cf evanston are attending court the dance at the meeting house last friday evening was N iel ei attended robert howard of cottonwood Cotton woodis is with lavi 0 read of this city A roundup round up will be held monday tune june ath of all horses between big and utter otter cree creeks k s mrs ira IL II spencer has had a new roof put on her residence J c gray geo did tile the work the oldest I 1 settlers sett lera here say eay that the bear river is is higher now than for twenty years previous miss francis who has been staying staving in evanston for some time returned to this city yesterday the rain son friday and saturday last made our farmers smile one can almost see things grow now the speakers at the meeting house on saturday nere u ere chas south N X P christensen and peter me mckinnon kinnon I 1 A lu hale returned from omaha friday end and neni ent on to his home at A alton wyo on saturday an interesting letter from our bear lake will ili have lo 10 atal bland over until next isoko for lack of beaco blyth and fargo have the biggett biggest ato block of dry ghods in the slata 0 wy wyoming outing you can find just what you m want ant P ai L to several of our subscribers glad gladdened denea our our hearts this week weak by calling upon us and pay paying lut their subscriptions chaulk ihan Ls call again always gaa to senyou sed you suit was filed in the Ditri district ct court Wei nesda entitled G F pearla acan e is 8 Beck willi witti cu a alioa to recover dani damaged ages wr lur breach or 01 aon trait the attention ot OL our leaders is ib drawn to the notice 01 a rattle in aid ot 01 one oi 01 our missionaries we hupe everyone who nho i au iau allora to buy a number will mill in do L 10 to lo o for wis good pur purpose pobe mrs isaac dawson of evanston Evan sion and miss I 1 myrtle pettit of sali lake city who A ho liae hane been vi biting with mith our ed to toa issman 0 J Spent cr iem raed to LIU homed monday og wo we can sell you any nason magon that thai studebaker wakes makes as heap as any silt salt lake firm can see our stock send fur for a catalogue and iset get our prices tho tha blyth sc furgo fargo co people in st george are discouraged on monday may the thermo Lutter regia registered deg in we tue shade and and battla are dying from starvation owing to the drought dirouht dro aruti enquirer if you are sick eick or in pain from an any of the following follow inc cramp cehulic ca catar tarrah ruh toothache headache ILa Hea bache earache face ache rh neuralgia or any other ailment att a bottle OPan 0 pain paint irom F E T pope kando ph price 25 cents 50 cents and 81 31 per bottlo bottle t mckinnon tion bros new brick store is being rushed and they have it finished in 3 ora meeks its will be 40 feet long 25 feet front and amo stories high with iron front the upper story will ill be used for furniture which aliee enterprising businessmen business men intend carrying bicycles for men alen women boys and gials we sell the crescent bicycle the best wheel in the alie market A regular hundred dollar chec 1 lor jor 75 cash A rattling good wheel for pa 50 casti childrens wheels io 40 casti caeli we guarantee nua rantee thosa these wheela heels to be as good as uny any in the market we sell wheels on the monthly plan the blythe fargo co evanston quite a change has been mado made in the interior of our courthouse it illias has been re plastered aad the large court room on the first floor lias has been divided into exo rooms onu being forthe for the county arito lerk clerk and treasurer the other tor for the sheriff and attorn attorney ov A room for the jury lias has been partitioned off eaffrom front the large court room 11 goo webb of laketown Lake town had the contract and sam shaffer of ran dolph did the plastering ur dr U D it rothfort Roth rort ej of 0 new nem berlin pa does not hesitate to recommend commend rd chamberlains medicines lie ile davs 1 I have handled them jor for a vear or more oo 00 in fit my pharmacy and find them safe and reliable my customers praise them very higbey no one who is troubled with rheumatism can use chamberlains pain balm without praising sinz it the quick relief frow from pain which it affords is alone worth woith many times its cuba for sale by IKE 4 eldes quorum meetie inert lna on sunday night southern utah lias has ben benhamin havin heavy beavy windstorms wind storms the town had quite a lively alively appearance app earence anrig court week meek mining a m we e KO go to lo press and the alio formers are arc rejoicing til th s al I 1 A coti conjoint joint on sunday evening last was well atton attended dul olivus jacobson belt home on sunday list lisl to shear chear sheep near Co koville mr Bir bietow tow tle me court a made a amt to our tum monday bros F hipped off two lorda loeda or goola to coke cokell me lu wednesday alter noun judge C II if brait wits a welcome visitor at tit s office tuesday callagain call again judg sirs mrs hobson and mi slits gunn of hot iio it tf ville are visiting mr and mrs mra gunn I 1 0 of this city 14 new subscribers alkis week who said there was not room in rich county or lor a mr land lloid r of the fitin film of beckwith lauder of evanston wyo is ri ayin at ne tyson H 11 uj uio our hotels were kept linsy this meek lots lobi of visitors but we lim liao 0 not space ie t to them the co county anty boners p are ara unavoidably ron ded out of chis but nill mill appear in next mr mir doffin the genial agent of the consolidated soli dated Im implement co montpelier I 1 a learned beamed in upon us yesterday esterday coughlin was not brought brou flit up for san a ai this term of court its as application for a new ti it lal ial is pending we want aery suh subscriber scriber of f tut THE ROUND kord ur ul iti in randolph to bo be a correspond nt corne come or sen I 1 in your items atenis rf niwo foster pre ditel recent se tornadoes tornado eq and they have be it a howling but dreamful cuce s the laramie La iamie wy B we receive d N esterday cst eray evening the al ail for the paris emills mill we fire aro unable to get it in chii issup but bit it i will ill appear in in next look ont for it gen yo ye editor of the tha us roll monday call again we wa can find time to hake hands with our friends mckinnon Kinnon wc bros have aiji chased a mimeo kripli which mach they mill use usa for printing pr intini price lists to be thron the bounty every week or two do you need a new carpet or a piece of fUrni ablith fargo are closing out I 1 hor stock of Carpet sand furniture at coot coet now is your conr clance cl anco dont delay t james kimosh who is ia working on mckinnan mcKinn mckinnan McKinn nn bros brik store fell off tho on wednesday afternoon afler noon last beyond a severa shaking lie was not c hurt 11 JI 11 hoffman offman ri was from evandon evanton Ev anton saturday I 1 last and mien near L 0 beads residence liis his tan ran aff the bridee into the creek where it stayed until sunday morning why dont you yon buy a new farm m wagon agon we are agents for the we carry a full line of carts Dug buggies gies and surreys the alyth farvo ari roCo co evanston Evan slon dr E E le ot of woo was a pleasnt pleas plea ant nt caller at this office thursday ohp dr appears pears to be giving great sati cacti n in dentis dentistry and we call attention to his card which appears elsewhere in thee columns we fire not horse we ahne people shop SOT for men women and Chil children dien our shoe Depart department mentis is where we shine Ever everyone vone is ia talking about how liene we sell shoes come and tee free fair yourselves the blygh fargo co t the round up is anew a paper printed at tich county the first number lein bein r datel date may john awal it walls walis the editor wid and proprietor and he gets out a very nice looking six column colfo well filled with local new lake tribune john nichols was riling a mare into town own sunday morning and a colt was follow ini when oppa opposite site john snowballs 11 hotel tel the colt alarmed at the appearance aratico pe arance of sortie boine schoolboys ran into tie he barb wite fence and injured itself 8 so 0 badly that it had to be killed buy your clothing in a clothing clo lhing store dont do expect to find nobby clothes mixed in u with ith a stock of coal oil ind nio mol lasses asses we run ft a store fensand men mena sand and boys boya i citi ii iti never were sold as 1 as now we defy all competition the adly illyia i h ck farvo farao co in justice Kenn kennedys edys cout knuit t juno june replevin wati was sworn out by 11 c chamb rs J N whitney find and A II 11 elam to recover borne stock in possession of byron sessions receiver of tho the booth crocker estate trial was mas set for wednesday on wednesday the caso case came up for trial judge corn and J 11 II rickman appeared for the arr prosecution ise cution J c rich and L it rodgers lor the defence the suit was willid withdrawn rawn by mutual consent |