Show at the dinner given in his honor in philadelphia col A K SIc Ic Clure the editor of the philadelphia times lot told tile the follow follo lug ing story relating to his first newspaper ve venture iture started fifty years ago 1 I well remember the case of a frugal farmer of the ducket deuker persuasion who was sufficiently public spirit ed to subscribe sub scrib e for the sentinel I 1 for six months to get tile the paper started but at the end of unit that period he had calculated the heavy expenses of gathering the ripening harvest and decided to stop ills his paper for a while I 1 need not say that lie he was enthusiastically confronted with iiii many reasons why a man mail of his intelligence and influence should not dot be without the county newspaper paper but lie yielded only to the extent of further considering tile the matter with his wife nife lie ile returned in a tew few days and spread sunshine around the chair by saying that its his wife had decided to continue for another six months as the paper would bevery handy bandy lit in the alie tal fall for t tang hig up her lipple apple butter crocks |