Show BRIGHAM YOUNG MONUMENT the th corner stone bayed with appropriate ceremonies the corner stone of tho the Brig brigham hain young monument at the intersection of main and south temple streets salt lake city was laid july 1 with ampro ceremonies the roam main address was made mada by apostle franklin D richards governor wells and mayor glendenning also spoke tho the only original pioneers present were were president wilford woodruff hencer walker and IV A C smoot mrs lucy B young one of the surviving wives of was also present and watched tile the proceedings ce cc edings with intense interest apostle franklin D richards Elc hardg the orator of the lay day was introduced and said in part the nineteenth century prolific in scientific marvels and famous for gigantic achievements has brought forth a grand array of mighty men suitable to the age and ami fitted to the work necessary to be accomplished in the development and progress of the human family among the foremost of those notable ones was brigham Brigi iam young the pioneer the colonizer the statesman the theologian the master mind the evidences of whose towering genius ire are visible to all beholders in the western region we assemble today to do him justice and lionor honor as lies within our power and the monument in a silent bronze which is to ere erected eted on th this is spot will be ru an expression of a grateful people who have been benefited by the works and counsels of the great leader referring to the journey of the pio onders across the plains apostle richards richarda continued there were in that company men three women and two children with them were seventy two wagons ninety three horses fifty two mules sixty six sis oxen and nineteen cows they were thoroughly organized by pres dent young and at their head he safely conducted them over overal ackill kili plain and lofty mountain weary sand hill and rushing river through an indian country until lie he gazed upon the broad expanse of the houseless and almost treeless valley with the glistening saline lake reflecting the rays of the scorching and pitiless sun and exclaimed this is the place drive on ile ho had bad seen this land in vision before lie he left the missouri river when he saw it in reality ho he had no doubt that this was the spot for the home of his hia people he ha laid out the plan for his city its broad streets its running streams its beautiful foliage were all in the mind ol of the founder of this commonwealth when there was not a house erected throughout its broad domain striking his cane on the spot where this grand temple now rears its towers to the skies he be exclaimed here we will build the tha temple of our god this was on the day of july 1847 the work ol of building this city was commenced nn der his immediate direction but on the of august with a company of men the great pioneer and leader started on a return journey to winter quarters to organize and direct the emigration of the saints that all who so desired might gather with their people to the mountains on the of december at kanes ville now called council bluffs brigham young was called and chosen and sustained president ident of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints in all the world with heber C kimball and willard richards two of the tha apostles as his counselors 19 worx WORK OF YOU YOUNG NO extended reference was waa made to the accomplishments of president young mention was also made of the fact that the tabernacle was built by the great leader and that he be planned the magnificent temple in this city in closing apostle richards said it is is fitting that we erect here a suitable monument on this highway of the worlds tourists that they may be reminded that it was by his consummate con genius that this north american desert has been transformed into a center of american civilization the nickels dimes and dollars donated for its erection were given by persons of all ages from the infant to tho the centenarian the magnificent grandeur of his heroic mind stands in bold relief wherein under god he successfully directed the world renowned exodus of his people from illinois to this north american plateau and here gathered his people from all latitudes between the frigid zones speaking more than twenty five different languages and dialects harmonizing them to one faith one lord and oua one baptism with all the christian graces and thereby preparing a people to add the orty forty fifth star to the galaxy of our nations glory i |