Show CONDENSED TELEGRAMS slow progress Is being mode made in the ra fair irwill will case kansas city will celebrate Victor victoriaa Wa diamond jubilee mckinley and party have arrived at washington from nashville georgetown a mining town in california was burned to the ground the loss to the government by fire at ellis island is the capo cape parliament has adjourned journeA ad out of respect for the lato barney barnato an ali original pension has been granted thomas obrien of idaho A heavy cyclone swept over are arc quipa cuipa peru buano but no serious damage was done official inquiry into the alio death ot ol isaac 11 offman ot of san francisco has so far revealed cotlin new reports from calcutta shaw that much more damage than was at first expected has been dono done by tho the earthquakes george J hackett was crushed to tc death in the brown bear mine at deadwood had very narrow escapes john W smith colored lias has been re appointed to the naval ric academy ademy and will be given another opportunity 0 of pas passing the english Engli sli papers briefly comment on the attempt on president faures life but do not give it political importance burlington vt people ire are protesting against the proposed 62 tariff on whito white pine lumber saying it does docs not mean revenue but disaster leilah kirkham ter ot of the late Clen general cral ralph kirkham of oakland has arrived in that city from london frank butler the australian who was captured finran in san fran Francisco hiscoch cis coch charged arged with the murder of captain weller Well crand and others is being ta tried aed at sydney L buehler buchler for 04 years an odd follow fellow is deadlie was a pioneer member of william tell lode lod e and tile the oldest odd fellow in the world the sale of the kansas central railroad and rolling stock which was advertised verti sed to take place at leavenworth the has been postponed till june 25 the london times says emperoti nicholas has haa stent EL a telegram to the royal yacht committee promising three additional prizes for the tha jubilee yacht races The coroners verdict on ono one of the victims of tho the military at the urbana riot exonerates the sheriff mayor and captain of the military company from blame A serious land slide has occur rcA reil near bridga canton of talais switzerland part of the forest there and ati m number of 0 buildings were buried no lives lost alcohol is now being shipped to japan under which promise that tho the Ameri american caa article will bo be able to come coma into profitable competition with the german product the newspapers of paris agree th that t the alleged attempt to assassins assassinate t ci president faure was either a practical joke or the act of a madman and ar ranged so as not to hurt anyone general nelson A miles who wn will represent tho the U S army at the queens jubil jubilee ec and rear ecar Admi admiral J N miller who will represent tho the united states navy have arrived in london A bill has been filed to foreclose a trust deed for on tho the prop erty of the cheltenham beach corn coma pany the deed bears the date data OR of june dune 25 1801 and was given to secure oloan loan A new door combination has been formed in the v n ay of a recently ancor borated company known as the western door company with capital and headquarters at rock island illinois dr samuel marsh martin aged 55 S for the past twenty five years one of ti alio to most prominent physicians of cast era cria indiana committed suicide by hanging ban diug he has been despondent toy fol some time the final ratification of the borunda bounda ry treaty between great britain anil venezuela has been exchanged at tho tl state department great preparations aro are being in aap in england for tho the queens dian diamond ionI jubilee the customs committee of the chain her ber of deputies has adopted the pros prod dosal of 11 bonnart Jon protectionist cepi uty to impose a duty of 12 francs pet pay kilos on foreign pork and 3 franci on pigs weighing under 25 kilos the entire force of employees of th apsley rubber company of hudson mass have returned to work they accepted ace apted tho the prices offered by mr apsley which are ara considerably less leso than heretofore the woman who committed suicide in the vestibule of calvary episcopal church in now york recently haq been positively identified as mrs JQ jai bephine coriat a native of franco france a about b 0 ut 45 5 years of ago aga and a di divor coil woman 0 |