Show FOR SALE A thoroughbred 5 year yeal old hereford bull J W myers evanston Ev auston wyo NOTICE trip UP la Is 1 per year cash in advance on time or in prod produce uce f per year caveats and trademarks trade marks obtained and all patent business conducted for fres fcc 0 OUR U 0 OPPOSITE US S PATENT OFFICE a and n d w we c c patent pat m jeu ICU ume lime than those ose remote from froni washington send scud model drawing or photo with description dc scrip I 1 we val advise adas e if or not f tree rea of of charge our fee not due till patent ii HOW 0 obtain patents with A P A LIT to tain C ost cose 0 of i sa aasc i in the V U S and foreign countries count nes sant ree address 71 71 IT C OP 1 NaTON D C T HEALTH REGAINED TH THE Z WONDER OF THE AUE AGE grandest discovery in the annals of medicine guaranteed to cure more diseases than any other medicine treatment or system known to the medical profession fes sion no MAN made remedy but natures true panacea catuma is an antiseptic germicide it positively destroys all ail microbes mic robes and germs of every kind name and nature it Is healing and soothing to the mucious membrane it will permanently manent ly cure the majority of cases of bronchitis catarrh dyspepsia all stomach ach troubles all diseases of the bladder bowels kidneys liver constipation sti pation plies piles old oia borr aro rectal diseases ulcers eczema scrofula blood poison rheumatism neuralgia diseased discharges diseases peculiar to women nervous and physical weakness ete etc NO maryh MATTER R WHAT YOUR AILMENT or where you live write us a full history of your trouble and our consulting physician will advise you what to do do in order to regain your health consultation Is FREE FRED and sacredly confidential terms very low for proofs enclose 2 cent stamp local agents wanted everywhere no canvassing we advertise you in your home paper address with stamp THE COMPANY P 0 box 86 25 chicago aal A A ku 0 aget GET YOUR MOSEYS WORTH SALT LAKE HERALD and seat DAMY DAILY 1000 1111 per annum or r per month semiweekly SEMI WEEKLY only j per year or for 6 months subscribe through local agent or send direct to I 1 THE IMI CO 00 I 1 salt sait lake city utah JOS H NEVILLE contractor and alid builder WOODRUFF UTAH plans and specifications furnished J L ATKINSON manufacturer and dealer in furnishing and building lumber siding T C flooring lath shing and Moul dings office near the mill EVANSTON wyo THE UINTAH HOTEL evanston wyo neat and comfortable rooms good home cooking no chinaman on premises try the uintah when you are in evanston and you will receive the best of treatment C lachapelle prop THE HOTEL MARX LELLMAN lessees lessels Les sees EVANSTON WYOMING fa kept strictly first dase class commodious and homelike headquarters for all travel traveling in g men tile the bar is sop plied with tho the finest brands ot of liquors and cigars rates reasonable D DR 0 W SHORES FAMILY REMEDIES dr G W shores complete catarrh cure both local anil and tnt internal emai positively cures care catarrh asthma bronchitis hay fever or any complicated n 0 of f the nose throat bronchial tube tute sr or lunn rull pull size si z a trial size abc dr 0 G W shores tonic and ana blood purifier and ana purifies the lilt blood rives gives streng ib and cures dyspepsia and all ali nervous diseases etke 1 per bottle dr 0 pek W show kidney and liver can cures cares all diseases of the kidneys over liver and bladder p alce sl 1 per bonar dr 0 WS hores cough cure cures all coughs colds and bronchial affections one dose will stop a sm croup kee keep P a bottle in the house nol larre lam saz size e bottles csc D dr r 0 W shore shores mountain sage so oil slops the vorst pain in one on minute for headache toot liacho neura neuralgia igia cramps or colic use it externally and internally ter nally and cures diphtheria it t used in time lime kopp a bottle bott handy lehandy price csc a bottle dr 0 W shores pepsin luge In testina worms and rei removes noves the little I 1 round n neit abere th they hutch hatch and breed it oever dever falls price c boule dr 0 W shores shore wintergreen solve SIT cures all of the skin removes red spots and black MP liples 1113 from the face heals hotd sores in atas 3 to S days rice 1 sc A box dr 0 W shorts antl rora cars chronic constipation sick alck be headache adache and bilious blacks s price i a bottle it if your case Is corn write dr G WS hores alt lake city utah tor for his new symptom list and expert advice free thebe remedies prepare cre pared and guaranteed by the th dr 11 G W shores co salt uke lake city utah rr for aale leand and recommended by all druggists and dealers def flers or sent sect direct oo on receipt of price solo agents Kan tr dolph idolph SPENCER B ROS S dealers in general merchandise ME J boots bt shot ruts bapa e DRUGS AND MEDICI MEDICINES NESY paints oils and glasst glass and everything used on a ranch our goods are as good goo i as the best and our prices the lowest i we pay the highest price for produce special attention given to mail orders TOS IKE IK E SMITH Is still in the field with a choice stock stocal of groceries crockery boots shoes etc an examination of our stock will convince you yon that we sell the best article for the least money aloney randolph utah COOK BROS BOS dealers in G L v W 4 nee r a J N e r ci ha za I 1 boots shoes fiats hardware I dware groceries etc we do not want to make inake apy any grind grand display the superiority of our goods advertise them honest treatment to all GARDEN CARDEN CITY and WOODRUFF 0 buy your goods of lakile to town cam P RUSTLERS of everything necessary to the banners Fan ners Coin comfort fort nt it lowest living prices for the ever welcome SPOT CASH highest market price always paid for FARM PRODUCE jos irwin manager mg LAKE paw r ill S i ahli 1 71 g 10 mimi so manufacture and keep in stock a general assortment of lumber lath shingles ZD and pickets including choice finishing rustic T G flooring beaded and V ceiling we make a specialty of Moul dings qs of which we carry carry a full stock and lar large lare D e variety from 78 7 8 inch to 5 inch widths width all kinds of scroll work and turning done to order newels porch posts and balusters Ba lusters kept in stock also panel doors of regular sizes any size made anade to order robert price proprietor PAM MHO MAO ruo I 1 N S 0 general dealers in dry G imm qs our line of boots boot and shoes cannot be beat we respectfully invite examination of stock beli believing evina all can cad be satisfied that it is for their interest to purchase here bere jos robinson Ala manager x LAKE T TOOT TO i TTO tom bich aroah utah rolla I 1 iff N M proprietor manufacturers of high patent E n high patent golden colden sheaf P ANCY AN L A uinta straight patent artt ams CS graham craham family y pride A F alti L 0 J U U E S 0 germade made and mill feeds of all kinds NOTICE tha th committee appointed to visit bear lake valley valev in the inter et 01 e 0 1 t of rich countes coun tys exhibit it at the state pioneer jubilee will hold meet meetings in as aa follows foll ws cita friday june 11 at 7 p rn laketown Lake town I 1 I 1 mn lv av juno 14 tit lit 7 pm rou it t valley tuesday june 15 at 10 a in NOTICE A meeting is hereby called for tuesday june 15 at p m to bo be held in the meeting meetinghouse house at randolph for the purpose of formulating plans for the proper observance vanc of in dependence depAn dence day guiv 4 the of woodruff are cordially invited to cooperate ladies especially invited CHAS JENSEN A W A mckins os ir JR |